
Johan Gullichsen in memoriam

Gullichsen had a distinguished career as a Professor of Cellulose Technology and contributed with his inventions to sustainable production methods in the pulp industry.

Johan Gullichsen (b. 1936), Professor Emeritus of Cellulose Technology at Aalto University, passed away on 13 May 2023 at the age of 86. He was a professor at the Helsinki University of Technology from 1989 to 1999.

Johan Gullichsen made a remarkable career as an inventor to solve quality and environmental problems in the wood processing industry. He registered more than 60 patents in addition to his extensive scientific research. Gullichsen was also a long-time Member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the A. Ahlström Oy.

Johan Gullichsen has been awarded the Finnish Engineering Prize of the Year (1984), the prestigious international Marcus Wallenberg Prize (1986) and he held an honorary doctorate from Åbo Akademi University.  Johan Gullichsen was awarded the Lampén Medal for outstanding and wide-raging technical and scientific work (2004) by Finnish Forest Products Engineers Association. Johan Gullichsen is a member of the Paper Industry International Hall of Fame in the United States. 

Johan Gullichsen was a much-loved professor and mentor at the School of Chemical Engineering who encouraged young scientists to achieve their dreams. Our condolences go out to the family.

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