
Aalto University attracted a record number of applications to master's programmes

More than 6000 applications for Aalto's master's programmes.
Students at Otaniemi campus in the winter and snow, photo by Unto Rautio

The application period for Aalto’s Master’s programmes ended on 4 January 2021.

For the Master’s programmes a total of 6070 applications were received, of which 3118 applications to the field of science and technology, 2057 to art and design and 895 to business and economics. 

Vice President of Education, Petri Suomala says, 'The applicants’ interest in our master’s programmes is delightful. We are very happy to see an increase from last year’s record breaking numbers. The work for quality teaching and programme offerings is producing the desired results. Thank you all!'

In the field of business and economics, the most popular study options were Yritysjuridiikka (Business law, available only in Finnish) and Management and International Business. In the field of art and design, the most popular study options were Collaborative and Industrial Design and Creative Sustainability. In the field of science and technology, the most popular study options were Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science.

Excluding Finland, application numbers were highest from China and India. In all over 2600 applicants applied with a degree completed within or inside EU/EEA area.

These numbers do not include the incoming class of incumbent students pursuing their study right from their undergraduate degrees.

The application round was for two-year master’s programmes based on a completed bachelor’s degree or equivalent studies.

The application period for English bachelor’s programmes starts 7 January and ends 20 January and bachelor’s programmes in Finnish/Swedish is from 17 to 31 March 2021. 

The results for the master’s admissions will be published on 22 March 2021 at the earliest.

Did you apply to one of Aalto's Master's programmes? We would love to hear why and how you decided to apply to Aalto University. Give us feedback by 27 Jan 2021

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