Department of Mechanical Engineering

Marine and Arctic Technology

We focus on the behavior of ships, offshore structures, and their systems in normal and extreme environments, such as extreme wave and ice conditions. Our research, based on fundamentals of solid and fluid mechanics, safety science, and scientific computing, considers the safety of maritime transportation and operations, as well as the experiences the marine environment can offer to cruise vessel passengers.
A digital model of a passenger ship

We aim for radical creativity in future marine and arctic technology that can solve environmental challenges, improve operational efficiency, and assist in the sustainable use of the ocean. Our research focuses on marine structures, marine hydromechanics, marine system intelligence, and understanding of sea ice behavior and its impact on ships and offshore structures. Aalto Ice and Wave Tank, together with other novel research facilities, act as a platform for excellence in research, teaching, and societal impact in Finland and worldwide.

Our research applies first principles of solid and fluid mechanics to problems related especially to marine and arctic technology:

  • The fluid mechanics research focuses on problems of open water with a free surface, hydroelasticity with strong fluid-structure and fluid-ice-structure interactions.
  • Solid mechanics research focuses on the interaction between load, response, and strength, with the main applications on fatigue, ultimate, and accidental limit states in open sea and arctic operations.

Further, solid mechanics has a central role in our ice mechanics research. The complex applications we study require holistic risk- and experience-based designs with novel solutions.

DEM ice simulation


Our unit is internationally highly recognized for its research and also societal and industrial impact. We undertake initiatives in research and focus on high-level scientific challenges with technological impact. We engage in both long- and short-term projects, enabling strategic developments and rapid actions related to the emerging needs of society.

The group has excellent international and national research networks, and we are active members of the Finnish Maritime Cluster, which has a strong position nationally and internationally.

We advance the development of our research fields by producing and transferring new knowledge to industry and society through teaching. Research and teaching are the primary duties of our unit, and societal impact occurs through them. The unit provides internationally recognized education, and we are the only university in Finland offering education related to Marine and Arctic technology


The basis of our research is extensive experimental research in full-scale and in laboratories. The group manages novel research infrastructure, the Aalto Ice and Wave Tank and the Solid Mechanics Laboratory. Based on the understanding of fundamental physics and experimental findings, we develop modeling techniques suitable for research and industrial needs.

Aalto Ice and Wave Tank

Aalto Ice and Wave Tank is a multipurpose basin ideally suited for testing ships and other maritime structures in ice conditions.

Aalto Ice Tank

Solid Mechanics Laboratory (external link)

In the solid mechanics laboratory, we carry out data-driven experiments spanning length scales from micrometres to metres. Our core expertise is the characterization of material and structural deformation mechanisms.

A view inside the Solid Mechanics Laboratory

Research topics


Marjo Keiramo

Professor of Practice
Pentti Kujala

Pentti Kujala

Senior Advisor
T212 Mechanical Engineering
Federica Mancini

Federica Mancini

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dongni Yan

Doctoral Researcher
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