Aalto Quantum Physics seminars
Upcoming AQP talks
Dr. Olivier Maillet (Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé (SPEC), CEA Saclay) "Anyon scattering with quantum point contacts" (27.8.2024)
Dr. Minoru Kawamura (Riken) " Quantum anomalous Hall effect in heterostructure thin films of magnetic topological insulator"(31.5.2024)
Prof. Jan Klaers (University of Twente) "From BEC to complex condensation phenomena in two-dimensional photon gases" (30.5.2024)
John J. McCord (Aalto university)"Coherent Interaction-free Detection of Noise" (14.5.2024)
Assoc. Prof. Matti Silveri (University of Oulu) "Beyond two-level approximation in transmon arrays: Collective dynamics and Superradiance" (26.03.2024)
Prof. Antti-Pekka Jauho (Technical University of Denmark) "Graphene antidot lattices"(1.2.2024)
Prof.Michael Tobar (University of Western Australia)"Precision Metrology with Photons, Phonons and Spins: Answering Major Unsolved Problems in Physics and Advancing Translational Science"(20.2.2024)
Prof.Ioan Pop (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) "Observation of Josephson Harmonics in Tunnel Junctions"(30.11.2023)
Dr. Sergey Kafanov (Lancaster University) "Non-linear Dynamics of the trapped Quantum Vortex in Superfluid 4 He" (23.11.2023)
Prof. Séamus Davis (University of Oxford) "Quantum Spin Noise Spectroscopy" (17.10.2023)
Dr. Akira Fujiwara (NTT Basic Research Laboratories) "Si dynamic quantum dot single-electron pump for metrology applications" (13. 10. 2023)
Prof. Angelo Vulpiani (Sapienza University of Rome)"Remarks on chaos in classical and quantum mechanics" (03.10.2023)
Prof. Juhn-Jong Lin (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University) "Observation of spin-triplet superconductivity in CoSi2/TiSi2 heterojunctions" (27.06.2023)
Prof. Warwick Bowen (University of Queensland)"Hydrodynamics at nanoscale: laser control of superfluid helium thin films"(26.06.2023)
Prof. Long Ju (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) "Electron correlation and topology in rhombohedral multilayer graphene" (16.06.2023)
Prof. Andrew Higginbotham (University of York) "0,1,…,N: Exploring superconductor-semiconductor hybrids by adding Josephson junctions"(13.06.2023)
Prof. Bhaskaran Muralidharan (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) "Conductance gap closure and the detection of Majorana zero modes in topological superconducting hybrid systems" (05.06.2023)
Prof. Jukka Väyrynen (Purdue University) "Extrinsic and intrinsic superconducting diode effects" (02.06.2023)
Dr. Paolo Andrea Erdman (Freie Universität Berlin) "Identifying optimal cycles in quantum thermal machines with reinforcement-learning" (02.05.2023)
Dr. Iouri Moukharski, (CEA Saclay, France) "Emission of entangled photons by a dc-bias Josephson junction" (26.04.2023)
Prof. Haruna Katayama, (Hiroshima University, Japan) "Analogue black hole solitons in a transmission line using SNAILs" (25.04.2023)
Prof. Eddy Collin (Institut Néel – CNRS Grenoble) "In-equilibrium thermodynamics and ground-state fluctuations of a mesoscopic mechanical object" (13.04.2023)
Igor Todoshchenko (Aalto University) "Acoustic Casimir effect and fate of thermodynamics in mesoscopic matters" (27.03.2023)
Maciej Zgirski (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences) "Probing vortices with a superconducting nanobridge" (28.03.2023)
Prof. Kristjan Haule (Rutgers University) "The link between Hundsness and superconductivity" (23.03.2023)
Dr. Richa Mitra (Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden) "Probing interlayer electronic interaction via Coulomb drag in hybrid dimensional system and band-to-band-tunneling in vertical heterostructures of two-dimensional material" (28.02.2023)
Dr. Shingo Kukita (Kindai University, Osaka, Japan) "Composite pulse and its operation time" (07.02.2023)
Prof. Yasushi Kondo (Kindai University, Osaka, Japan) "Artificial open systems realized by NMR experiments" (03.11.2022)
Fernando de Juan (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain): "Electronic instabilities of metallic dichalcogenides: Unconventional superconductivity and Kondo magnetism" (13.10.2022)
Venkat Chandrasekhar (The Nonlocal Superconducting Quantum Interference Device): "The Nonlocal Superconducting Quantum Interference Device" (13.10.2022)
Klemens Hammerer (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Leibniz University Hannover): "Quantum Technology for Frequency Metrology" (31.08.2022)
Hiromitsu Takeuchi (Department of Physics and Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (NITEP), Osaka Metropolitan University (former Osaka City University) ): "Eccentric fractional skyrmions in a magnetic quantum fluid" (11.08.2022)
Subhomoy Haldar (NanoLund and Division of Solid-State Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden): "Towards a continuous and efficient microwave photon-counter using semiconductor-superconductor hybrids" (30.06.2022)
Erik Aurell (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) "Feynman-Vernon description of interaction with the vacuum: dynamics and thermodynamics" (15.06.2022)
Cécile Repellin (CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés, France): "Fractional Chern Insulators in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene" (21.06.2022)
Jukka Väyrynen (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University): "Towards topologically protected quantum hardware" (07.06.2022)
Vikram Deshpande (Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Utah): "Mechanical Tuning and Sensing of Topological Materials" (24.05.2022)
Sanjeev Kumar (Department of Physical Sciences, IISER Mohali): "Skyrmions and Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions in Metals and Insulators" (06.05.2022)
Kimmo Tuominen (Department of Physics, University of Helsinki): "Dark matter direct detection" (21.04.2022)
Ethan Minot (Department of Physics, Oregon State University): "Graphene-based electronic sensors for biological applications" (12.04.2022)
Rafael Sánchez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): "Rectification of mesoscopic heat currents" (04.04.2022)
Wallace Santos Teixeira (QCD group, Aalto University): "Controlled quantum systems as tools for decoherence investigation and dissipative state synthesis" (29.03.2022)
Marco Marin Suarez (Pico group, Aalto University): "An electron turnstile for frequency-to-power conversion" (01.03.2022)
Luca Dellantonio (Institute of Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo): "Non-gaussian interactions in optomechanical systems. An easy introduction with realistic applications" (24.02.2022)
Alexander Zyuzin (Aalto University): "Superconductivity in flat band semimetals" (08.02.2022)
Tomáš Novotný (Charles University, Czech Republic): "Escape rate problem in driven Josephson junctions" (10.12.2021)
Maciej Zgirski (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences): "Switching thermometry for dynamical investigations of thermal processes at nanoscale" (7.12.2021)
Mikael Kervinen (Chalmers University of Technology): "Robust preparation of Wigner-negative states with optimized SNAP-displacement sequences" (2.12.2021)
Edouard B. Sonin (Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel): "Ballistic SNS sandwich as a Josephson junction" (21.10.2021)
Ilya Golokolenov (Aalto University): "Microwave single-tone optomechanics in the classical regime" (12.8.2021)
Antti Moilanen (Aalto University): "Stimulated thermalization and long-range spatial coherence of Bose-Einstein condensates in plasmonic lattices" (5.8.2021)
Alpo Välimaa (Aalto University): "Coupling acoustic resonators to transmon qubits" (7.7.2021)
Diego Subero Rengel (Aalto University): "Thermodynamics of gambling Demons" (24.6.2021)
Weijun Zeng (Aalto University): "Electrical low-frequency 1/fγ noise due to surface diffusion of scatterers on an ultralow noise graphene platform" (22.6.2021)
Valtteri Lahtinen (Aalto University): "Modeling and design of low-loss devices for circuit quantum electrodynamics" (20.5.2021)
Marco Marin Suarez (Aalto University): "Tuned quasiparticle injection and extraction in non-equilibrium superconductors" (6.5.2021)
Gabriel E. Topp (Aalto University): "Floquet moiré engineering" (22.4.2021)
Elsa Mannila (Aalto University): "A superconductor free of quasiparticles for seconds" (15.4.2021)
Yuchen Wang (Aalto University): "Enhancing on-chip supercontinuum generation with heterogeneous integration of few-layer WS2" (8.4.2021)
Vasiliy Vadimov (Aalto University): "Coherent dynamics of a superconductor in hybrid structures with the proximity effect" (4.4.2021)
Mohammad Tasnimul Haque (Aalto University): "Enhancement of the optomechanical coupling and Kerr nonlinearity using the Josephson Capacitance of Cooper-pair box" (25.03.2021)
Timm Mörstedt (Aalto University): "Fast qubit reset with a quantum circuit refrigerator" (04.03.2021)
SK Diroz Islam (Aalto): "Light propagation through non-Hermitian 2D honeycomb Photonic lattice, and interfacial chiral modes in threefold topological semimetal" (23.02.2021)
Evert van Nieuwenburg (Niels Bohr International Academy, Denmark): "A NEAT Quantum Error Decoder" (18.2.2021)
Thierry Martin (Director of Centre de Physique Théorique and Professor at Aix Marseille University): "Non-equilibrium noise and anyons in the Quantum Hall effect" (21.01.2021)
CHUAN Li (Department of Physics, University of Twente): "Dirac semimetal-based quantum devices towards 1D topological superconductivity" (14.01.2021)
Gwendal Feve (Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, ENS Paris): "Fractional statistics of anyons in a mesoscopic collider" (16.12.2020).
Cancelled: Peter Rickhaus (Solid State Physics Laboratory, ETH Zürich): "Transport experiments in twisted double bilayer graphene" (24.3.2020).
Jan van Ruitenbeek (Institute of Physics, Leiden University): "Atomic point contacts: new angles on an old problem" (13.2.2020).
Pavel Alekseev (Ioffe Institute, Russia): "Transverse Magnetosonic Waves and Viscoelastic Resonance in Two-Dimensional Highly Viscous Electron Fluid" (6.2.2020).
Pavlo Sukhachov (Nordita, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm Unversity): "Consistent chiral kinetic theory in Weyl semimetals" (4.2.2020).
Chengyu Yan (Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University): "On-chip coherent microwave source" (28.1.2020).
Vladimir Zyuzin (Nordita, Stockholm): "Odd-frequency spin-triplet instability in disordered electron liquid" (23.1.2020).
Evgeni Il'ichev (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology): "Towards a sensitive microwave photon detection" (22.1.2020).
Christian Kraglund Andersen (ETH Zurich): "Implementing the surface code with superconducting circuits" (20.1.2020).
Peter Samuelsson (Lund University, Sweden): "Quantum dot transport in microwave resonators - photon emission and absorption" (17.1.2020).
Sergey Filippov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology): "Machine learning for non-Marovian open quantum dynamics" (16.1.2020).
Jens Koch (Northwestern University): "Intrinsically protected superconducting qubits: from concepts to realization" (16.12.2019).
Shruti Dogra (Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University): Robustness of a superadiabatic process realized with a superconducting circuit on Thu. 21.11.2019
Jean-Philippe Girard (Quantum Computing and Devices group): Ultrasensitive bolometry with Josephson junctions (12.11.2019).
Inés de Vega (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany): "On open quantum systems in thermal non-ergodic environments" (7.11.2019).
Yasuhiro Utsumi (Department of Physics Engineering, Mie University, Japan): "Full counting statistics of information fluctuations and the optimum capacity" (29.10.2019).
Sheng-Shiuan Yeh (Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan): "Probing dynamical structural defects in nanodevices" (24.10.2019).
Vardan Kaladzhyan (KTH, Stockholm): "Quantised Fermi-arc-mediated Transport in Weyl Semimetal Nanowires" (22.10.2019).
Harzad Mishra (Institute Jean Lamour, CNRS): "Magnetic field sensing through surface waves" (9.10.2019).
Kaushal Vidyut (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz): "A scalable-NISQ computing toolkit for implementing quantum error correction" (8.10.2019).
Yuri Pashkin (Lancaster University): "On the origin of the electric field effect in superconducting nanoconstrictions" ( 7.10.2019).
Roberto Zamora-Zamora (Insitute of Physics, UNAM): "Gross-Pitaevskii validity in reduced dimensions"(3.10.2019).
Florian Libisch (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology): "Transport through Mono- and Bilayer Graphene Nanoconstrictions" (1.10.2019).
Michael Perelshtein (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology): "Noise characterization of the mesoscopic devices via superconducting qubit"(17.9.2019).
David Lake (University of Calgary): "Cavity optomechanics with diamond resonators" (12.9.2019).
N. Lo Gullo (University of Turku): "Extracting temperatures of the leads in non-equilibrium transport setups" (11.9.2019).
Takaaki Aoki (AIST, Japan): "Time-dependent temperature and entropy production rate of a single-mode Gaussian state under Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics" (27.8.2019).
Yuichiro Matsuzaki (AIST, Japan): "Quantum remote sensing with asymmetric information gain" (22.8.2019).
Michael Moskalets (KPI, Ukraine): "Electron-hole annihilation considered as fermionic anti-bunching" (18.6.2019).
Paul Menczel (QT, Aalto): "Two-stroke optimization scheme for mesoscopic refrigerators" (11.6.2019).
Aleksi Julku (QD, Aalto): "Superfluid weight and Berenzinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature of twisted bilayer graphene" (4.6.2019).
George Thomas (PICO, Aalto): Supremacy of incoherent sudden refrigeration cycles (28.5.2019).
Mikael Kervinen (NEMS, Aalto): "Quantum acoustics in a multimode electromechanical system" (21.5.2019).
Suman Kundu (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India): "Multiplexed readout of four qubits in 3D circuit architecture" (14.5.2019).
Roope Kokkoniemi (QCD, Aalto): "Bolometry with graphene Josephson junction" (7.5.2019).
Debmalya Das (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India): "Quantum heat engine using energy quantization and resources of degeneracy" (30.4.2019).
N. Lo Gullo (QTF Centre of Excellence, Turku): "A non-equilibrium Green's function approach to energy transfer in many-body quantum systems" (16.4.2019).
Jan Goetz (QCD group, Aalto): "Optimized heat transfer at exceptional points in quantum circuits"
Sergey Rumyantsev (Institute of High Pressure Physics Warsaw, University of California): "Charge density and spin waves low frequency noise" (14.03.2019).
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