Student Guide
Oiva Allan Pölkkynen -foundation, scholarships
Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering announces yearly the scholarships of the Oiva Allan Pölkkynen foundation open for applications. The foundation opens the applications annually to the talented students from School of Chemical Engineering studying in following programmes:
- Bachelor´s Programme in Chemical Engineering
- Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology (Chemical Engineering major)
- Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering
- Life Science Technologies - Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering major
- Master's Programme in Advanced Energy Solutions - Industrial Energy Processes major
- Creative sustainability
- International Design Business Management
The number and amount of grants will be announced yearly. The scholarships granted will be paid in one installment. This scholarship can be granted only once for a student.
Priority is given to students studying the second, third or fourth study year. While granting the scholarships, good study success (GPA at least about 3, progress of studies about 55cr/year), and internationalization such as completed or planned exchange period abroad will be emphasized. It is possible to apply for the scholarship for completing a Master’s Thesis, if the thesis will be worked on without compensation or salary and no other scholarships have been granted for it.
The application period is usually in May, to be announced later.
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