
Sähkötekniikan päivä at Aalto University

Welcome to the virtual event to learn about studying and career opportunities in the field of electrical engineering.
Two electrical engineering students.
Sähkötekniikan päivä will be held on 2 February 2022. Photo: Unto Rautio/Aalto University

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Sähkötekniikan päivä 2022, kuva: Filmbutik

Sähkötekniikan päivä Aalto-yliopistossa

Sähkötekniikan päivä -virtuaalitapahtumassa kerromme lukiolaisille sähkötekniikan opiskelusta ja uramahdollisuuksista. Lämpimästi tervetuloa mukaan!


Welcome to the virtual Sähkötekniikan päivä to learn about studying and career opportunities in the field

Care robots, speech recognition, micromaterials, galaxies near and far away – the School of Electrical Engineering is so much more than electricity and smart power grids, as we study many topics you might not initially associate with the electrical industry. How do the experts of the field fight against climate change or promote well-being? Participate in virtual Sähkötekniikan päivä (eng. Electrical Engineering Day) to find out! 

On Wednesday, 2 February 2022, at 13 - 14.15, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering will hold a virtual event where our students Emmaleena and Reetta will discuss studies, research, and career opportunities in the field of electrical engineering with the guests coming to the studio. In addition, participants will make a virtual visit to the space technology laboratory, where Finland's first satellite has been completed, and to the acoustics laboratory, where you can find the quietest place in Finland. Participants have the opportunity to ask questions. The language of the event is Finnish. 

The event suits well for groups of physics, mathematics, or a student counsellor course (suom. opokurssi), as well as for all high school students interested in the topic. You can register for the event as a group or alone.

Link to the event: ProspectumLIVE

More information

Communications Coordinator Ira Matilainen

[email protected]

050 435 10 10

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