
Better to Wear

We get dressed each and every day: clothes protect us and help us express ourselves. We can dress better when we re-design the whole textile process from manufacturing to use to recycling.
Better to Wear exhibition visual
Graphic design: Aino Salonen & Oona Raadelma

We make fashion sustainable. Better to Wear exhibits projects at Aalto University that set out to make fashion more planet-friendly and fair.

Take a look at the fascinating experiments on show: luxurious natural colours, new aesthetics of sustainable dressing, wearable solar cells and much more.

Check out these exhibited projects:

SofiaIlmonen_Juhu Huttunen

Other Kinds Of Fashion

Through design creativity we can solve many problems in the fashion industry. Based on different kinds of fashion design approaches, we can take account the extended use phase, different body size, redesigning with old clothes, using natural dyes and creating sustainable beauty. Through these different design strategies, we can transform fashion culture towards one which is in better balance with the environment. 

Solar cells and textiles to be combined for energy harvesting in textile wearables

Sun-powered Textiles - Textile solar cell modules for energy harvesting in wearables

The research results of the Sun-powered Textiles project will be presented

Shades of Green instrument

Shades of Green instrument – clarifying sustainability in textiles and fashion

Today, understanding and comparing the sustainability aspects of textile and fashion items is challenging. Shades of Green is an instrument that maps both the environmental and social aspects throughout a product’s lifecycle focusing on design, materials, production, support services and working conditions.

Sivuprofiili mallista vihreässä, koristeellisessa mekossa.

Sustainable textile system: Data-driven business and design -webinar

Through data it is possible to create new design and business strategies for sustainable textile and fashion. This webinar will focus on how data can enable and enhance a circular economy in the textile and fashion industry.

Poster. Design: Raffaela Carluccio

Fashion Lab

Exercising Alternative Narratives of Fashion through Confession, Action and Discussion


The event is a part of Helsinki Design Week’s official festival programme and Year of Research-Based Knowledge. Aalto University is one of the EU's New European Bauhaus partners. 

#ACoolerPlanet #HelsinkiDesignWeek #NewEuropeanBauhaus #tttv21

Designs for a Cooler Planet 2021

Resource Wisdom - Designs for a Cooler Planet 2021

Helsinki Design Week 2021 has landed in Otaniemi, showcasing three paths to resource wisdom

Radical ideas and prototypes contributing to a resource-wise future. The exhibitions and online lectures are open to everyone, and they belong to the official Helsinki Design Week programme.

Infinite materials theme visual

Infinite Materials

We need to radically cut our consumption of materials and energy by creating materials that are not just renewable but forever reusable.

Loving environments visual theme

Loving Environments

Construction gobbles up half of the world’s natural resources. Collaboration between scientists, designers, architects, the public sector and companies generates ideas that can make living environments and the construction industry more sustainable.

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