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Doctoral education networks
Aalto University is involved in several international networks. The prime networks enhancing doctoral mobility are Nordic Five Tech and Cluster. These networks have general framework agreements for doctoral collaboration:
- Nordic five Tech: Communication on PhD Collaboration and Joint Supervision
- Cluster: Dual Doctorate Framework Agreement
- Unite!
The university also participates EUA Council for Doctoral Education in order to follow and contribute to the European level discussion and policy praparation.
National doctoral education networks offer paricipating universities a framework for educational collaboration. The networks organize joint seminars, courses, summer schools and events as well as promote networking and increase peer support among students.
Aalto University coordinates the following national networks:
- Brain&Mind doctoral programme
- Doctoral training network in condensed matter and materials physics, CMMP
- Doctoral network in industrial engineering and management
- Doctoral network in energy efficiency and systems
- Doctoral education network in nuclear science and technology
- Forest Bioeconomy Doctoral FDP Network
- Finnish doctoral education network in stochastics and statistics
- Laskennallisen kemian verkosto, LASKEM
- Science, technology, engineering, arts&design mathematics: learning and educational technology - doctoral training networks, STEAM-LET
- Synthetic biology - Graduate education network, SynBio GEN
- Doctoral Education Network in Systems Analysis, Decision Making and Risk Management
Aalto University is a partner in the following networks:
- Doctoral training network in electronics, telecommunications and automation, DELTA
- Doctoral training network of mathematics in engineering sciences
- Doctoral education network in atmospheric sciences
- Doctoral education network in electrical energy engineering
- Doctoral education network on intelligent systems, DENIS
- Doctoral Education network in modern optics and photonics
- Graduate School in Chemical Engineering (GSCE)
- Inforte
- Infotech
- International doctoral programme in biomedical engineering and medical physics
- Helsinki doctoral education network in information and communications technology, HICT
- National Doctoral network in concurrent mechanical engineering CME
- National doctoral network in informational and structural biology (ISB)
Doctoral programmes
Our six doctoral programmes offer high quality doctoral education within a multidisciplinary international research community. They prepare doctoral students for demanding academic careers and experts positions, and for working as entrepreneurs or independent artists.
Doctoral page index
Index of all aalto.fi pages about doctoral education
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