Department of Accounting & Business Law


Find out about our research.
Aalto BIZ Research

At the Department of Accounting and Business law, we conduct high-quality research on various topics. Our research is published in top peer-reviewed journals. The emphasis of our research is on financial statement analysis, capital budgeting, auditing, performance measurement, management control, risk management, corporate governance, taxation, and competition law. 

Our faculty members apply economic, sociological and legal science-based theories in their research. We also deploy a variety of methods: qualitative (case studies, literature reviews, conceptual approaches, action and managerial research); quantitative (regression, survey, and textual data mining); and other research methods (field experiments, fsQCA). 

We host dedicated research groups for auditing and healthcare productivity.

The faculty of the department regularly publish their work in internationally recognised journals. Articles by the members of faculty have been published in a wide range of top academic journals, such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, Review of Economics and Statistics, Management Accounting Research, European Law Journal, and European Law Review.

Apart from these top journals, our faculty members regularly publish in internationally recognised Accounting and Finance journals, such as Journal of Corporate Finance; European Accounting Review; The British Accounting Review; Accounting and Business Research; Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal; Accounting Horizons; Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory; International Journal of Accounting; Journal of Business Finance and Accounting; and Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation.

Interdisciplinary research from our faculty is regularly published in internationally acclaimed journals such as Personality and Individual Differences; Industrial Marketing Management; Journal of Business Research; and European Sports Management Quarterly. 

Recent Top Articles

Articles published in ABS 3-4* or JUFO-3 by our accounting faculty members since 2021 (Aalto University affiliated studies).

Department of Accounting & Business Law

Highly Cited Articles

Articles published in ABS 3-4* or JUFO-3 by our accounting faculty members with a minimum of 100 Scopus citations (Aalto University affiliated studies).

Department of Accounting & Business Law

Latest publications

How Does Carbon Footprint Information Affect Consumer Choice? : A Field Experiment

Bianca Beyer, Rico Chaskel, Simone Euler, Joachim Gassen, Ann-Kristin Großkopf, Thorsten Sellhorn 2024 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH

Managerial extraversion and corporate voluntary disclosure

Florian Eugster, Jenni Kallunki, Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Henrik Nilsson 2024 Contemporary Accounting Research

Agents’ context-specific conduct in making strategic investment decisions

Jari Huikku, Elaine Harris, Moataz Elmassri, Deryl Northcott 2024 Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change

The Effect of Audit Partner Digitalization Expertise on Audit Fees

Arpine Maghakyan, Henry Jarva, Lasse Niemi, Jukka Sihvonen 2024 European Accounting Review
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal

Research Groups

At the Department of Accounting and Business Law, we host two research groups:

Research Department of Finance

Healthcare Productivity Group

We are a dynamic research group focusing on top publications in management accounting, health economics and medical journals.

Department of Accounting & Business Law
Close-up of two students making notes on a research article while reading it.

Audit Research Group

Audit Research Group conducts research on cross-disciplinary aspects of auditing and collaborates actively with other universities and industry.

Department of Accounting & Business Law
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