Recent Top Articles
Articles published in ABS 3-4* or JUFO-3 by our accounting faculty members since 2021 (Aalto University affiliated studies).
Discretion in the Governance Work of Internal Auditors: Interplay Between Institutional Complexity and Organizational Embeddedness
Vikash Kumara Sinha, Marika Arena, Eduardo Schiehll
British Journal of Management
Involving the Corporate Sector in EU Financing: A Two-Tier Model for a Corporate Income Tax-Based Own Resource
Moritz Scherleitner, Edoardo Traversa
European Law Review
The Effect of Audit Partners Digitalization Expertise on Audit Fees
Arpine Maghakyan, Henry Jarva, Lasse Niemi, Jukka Sihvonen
European Accounting Review
Managerial extraversion and corporate voluntary disclosure
Florian Eugster, Jenni Kallunki, Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Henri Nilsson
Contemporary Accounting Research
Article 6 of Anti Tax Avoidance Directive-Living a Life on Its Own?
Jasper Korving, Moritz Scherleitner
European Business Law Review
How Does Carbon Footprint Information Affect Consumer Choice? A Field Experiment
Bianca Beyer, Rico Chaskel, Simone Euler, Joachim Gassen, Ann-Kristin Großkopf, Thorsten Sellhorn
Journal of accounting research
Mutual recognition in investment fund taxation? A reflection based on recent ECJ case law
Moritz Scherleitner
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
Private firm´s tax aggressiveness and lightweight pre-tax-audit interventions by tax administration
Hannu Ojala, Pekka Malo, Esko Penttinen
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Explaining the Unintended Consequences of Management Control Systems: Managerial Cognitions and Inertia in the Case of Nokia Mobile Phones
Teemu Malmi, Katja Kolehmainen, Markus Granlund
Contemporary Accounting Research
Sustainability trade-offs in the circular economy: A maturity-based framework
Enes Ünal, Vikas Kumar Sinha
Business Strategy and the Environment
External Factors and the Pricing of Audit Services: A Systematic Review of the Archival Literature Using a PESTLE Analysis
Hannu Ojala, David C. Hay, Lasse Niemi, Brigitte Eierle, Sven Hartlieb
A Journal of Practice & Theory
Gender differences in the first course in accounting: An achievement goal approach
Jari Huikku, Emma-Riikka Myllymäki, Hannu Ojala
The British Accounting Review
The tribes in the field of servitization: Discovering latent streams across 30 years of research
Rabetino, Rodrigo, Kohtamäki, Marko, Brax, Saara, Sihvonen, Jukka
Industrial Marketing Management
Age, Gender, and Risk-Taking: Evidence from the S&P 1500 Executives and Market-Based Measures of Firm Risk
Jarkko Peltomäki, Jukka Sihvonen, Steven Swidler, Sami Vähämaa
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Accounting in Identity Regulation: Producing the Appropriate Worker
Juhani Vaivio, Marko Järvenpää, Antti Rautiainen
European Accounting Review
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