Aalto Media Lab
Aalto Media Lab
The Media Lab was founded in 1994 and is now a part of the Department of Art and Media at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture of the Aalto University.
The mission of the Media Lab is to explore, discover and comprehend the new digital technology and its impact in society; to find and exploit the possibilities it opens to communication, interaction and expression and to evaluate, understand and deal with the challenges it poses to design and creative production.
Koneen Säätiö Grant for the Centre for Text Margins
Significant Koneen Säätiö grant awarded to the project led by Associate Professor of Visual Communication Arja Karhumaa and their team.Urban Travel Machines: Cosmos Met Poetry
Unique fusion of poetry and immersive digital art at the Brussels PlanetariumLast chance to nominate for 2024 Aalto University Open Science Award
The deadline for submissions is 3 Dec, 2024.Call for nominees for Aalto University’s Open Science Award 2024
Nominate yourself, your colleague, a research group, a department, or a project for the award.Events
Media Lab, The Future
We warmly welcome you to the final event of Aalto’s Media Lab 30 years celebration!Public defence in New Media, MA Jana Pejoska
Contextually responsive interaction design – Design ideation for dynamic contexts (title of the thesis)Aalto AI Talks: AI Act, Ethics, and Literacy 4.2.2025
Learn about AI in a university context: the EU AI Act, AI in teaching, ethical side of AI and AI for innovation.Latest Theses
The theses from the Media Lab are on public display at the Aalto University library as well as some of the latest ones also online. First recorded theses are from 1995 up to this date.
Media Lab Demo Days
Already in the late 1990s we adopted the slogan, ‘hands on with minds on’ to explain our work. We also adopted the ‘demo or die’ attitude of other Media Labs and formalised this into bi-annual Demodays, organised at the end of each term.
Apply to Media Lab
Media Lab at the Department of Art anf Media offers interdisciplinary studies in design and production of new media, games and sound. Also various areas and amounts of design, arts, computer science, communication, cognitive science, sociology etc. are present during your studies in Media Lab.
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Department of Art and Media
The departments of Art and Media at Aalto University School of Arts, Design & Architecture have merged as of 1st January 2022. Professor Harri Laakso has been appointed as Head of the new Department of Art & Media.
School of Arts, Design and Architecture
One of the most prestigious universities in its fields. We educate our students to create imaginative, collaborative, compassionate and unconventional approaches to the most pressing challenges of today.
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