Aalto Media Lab

Apply to Media Lab

Media Lab at the Department of Art and Media offers interdisciplinary studies in design and production of new media, games and sound. Also various areas and amounts of design, arts, computer science, communication, cognitive science, sociology etc. are present during your studies in Media Lab.
Department of Media Demo Day

Media Lab at the Department of Art and Media offers interdisciplinary studies in design and production of new media, games and sound. Also various areas and amounts of design, arts, computer science, communication, cognitive science, sociology etc. are present during your studies in Media Lab.

Common prerequisites for MA studies

In short, we require applicants to have a prior degree (at least BA, BSc or equivalent), preferably with previous experience in group work using digital media tools and an ability to function in an international, mainly English language-based environment. We also ask for commitment, as work here is done mainly in projects, not by dropping in for exams.

Apply to MA in Art and Media

A group of students representing a variety of skills, backgrounds and talents are chosen every spring. The process consists of these steps: a written application which describes your background, experience and motivation, followed by a set of assignments and finally, an interview which also includes a portfolio pitch.

The three major subjects of the Aalto Media Lab are part of the Master's Program in Art and Media: 

  1. New Media
  2. Game Design and Development
  3. Sound in New Media

Master's admissions

Aalto University organises various admissions and each of them have their own admission requirements, schedules and instructions. On this page you can find instructions for Master's admissions 2020.

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Real Estate Economics

Apply to DA studies

The main purpose of doctoral education at the Aalto Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture is to teach the doctoral candidate to create new knowledge via scentific and artistic methods and theories. Admission to the Aalto Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture is organized annually in March for studies starting in September.

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Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees in 2013 at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture


There are a number of ways to partake in the studies here at the lab. We offer three full-time two-year Major subjects, shorter thematic Minor subject studies at the MA level, Doctoral studies and even some opportunities to visit us as an exchange student.

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Studies in the Media Lab / Xmas Demo Day
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