Aalto ARTS Handbook

Aalto ARTS' Exhibitions

Plan an exhibition and let others know about it! Detailed instructions on planning an exhibition at the bottom of the page.
Professor Maarit Mäkelä sits on a chair and paints a ceramic pot with soil from Venice, in a brightly lit area

Organise an Exhibition at Aalto University

Aalto University has multiple exhibition spaces across the Otaniemi campus and the curators welcome interest from students, staff and researchers in organising their own exhibitions and projects.

Research & Art
Asio Exhibition Spaces

Booking Exhibition Spaces (external link)

Use the online reservation system to book your exhibition space at Aalto

installation in exhibition

Takeout support for exhibitions

Väre Takeout and Studios Takeout both offer support for exhibitions at Aalto. This includes lending equipment and helping to choose suitable ones but also by offering some help in exhibition building and transporting.

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Thumbnail for a Drupal tutorial, no photographer information.

How to create an event at aalto.fi

Event pages offer a set of functionalities to help you address all the necessary information to users.


Aalto Exhibitions

With multiple spaces across the Otaniemi campus and partnership projects each year, there are always dynamic exhibitions activities taking place at Aalto. Whether you are organising, researching or visiting exhibitions, this hub provides the key information, news and resources you will need.

Seaweed installation byt Julia Lohman

School of Arts, Design and Architecture - Exhibitions

Find course and MA exhibitions in galleries and exhibition spaces in School of Arts, Design and Architecture, as well as Marsio. Welcome!

To organise an exhibition:

  1. Book a space. Please note that exhibitions spaces are marked by dots on the floor plan (except V1 and V2 galleries). When choosing dates, remember to choose the weekday tickboxes under as well, so that the booking covers every day between beginning and end of your exhibition. Your booking will be confirmed by email.
  2. Read Exhibition Guidelines, ask help if needed. Contact information are found in guide's last page
  3. Book pedestals and materials from Väre takeout
  4. If you are also planning an opening event or seminar, please see Events page and contact Event team [email protected]
  5. Create an event page to aalto.fi, instructions here.

Covid Guidelines
Currently, all exhibition practices are subject to Aalto guidelines updates related to coronavirus, please see below for updates:

Further general guidelines can be found on Aalto’s coronavirus update page


  • Väre building does not have a storage space 
  • Always verify the contact person in Väre, i.e. the person who knows what is at stake and who can be reached if necessary
  • Mark the works and furniture you have imported: Name and contact information and information about Väre's contact person
  • All material must be transferred directly from the loading area to the exhibition space
  • Exhibition works and exhibition-related furnishings, as well as technology and other materials (such as brochures, etc.) must be removed from Väre's premises immediately after the exhibition (no later than the day after the end of the exhibition)
  •  Please, talk to Lobby Services and Kari Niiranen about exceptions and logistical challenges

Did not find what you're looking for?
Please contact: 
[email protected]

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