Organise an Exhibition at Aalto University
Aalto University has multiple exhibition spaces across the Otaniemi campus and the curators welcome interest from students, staff and researchers in organising their own exhibitions and projects.
Aalto University has multiple exhibition spaces across the Otaniemi campus and the curators welcome interest from students, staff and researchers in organising their own exhibitions and projects.
Use the online reservation system to book your exhibition space at Aalto
Väre Takeout and Studios Takeout both offer support for exhibitions at Aalto. This includes lending equipment and helping to choose suitable ones but also by offering some help in exhibition building and transporting.
Event pages offer a set of functionalities to help you address all the necessary information to users.
With multiple spaces across the Otaniemi campus and partnership projects each year, there are always dynamic exhibitions activities taking place at Aalto. Whether you are organising, researching or visiting exhibitions, this hub provides the key information, news and resources you will need.
Find course and MA exhibitions in galleries and exhibition spaces in School of Arts, Design and Architecture, as well as Marsio. Welcome!
To organise an exhibition:
Covid Guidelines
Currently, all exhibition practices are subject to Aalto guidelines updates related to coronavirus, please see below for updates:
Further general guidelines can be found on Aalto’s coronavirus update page
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