Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Takeout support for exhibitions

Väre Takeout and Studios Takeout both offer support for exhibitions at Aalto. This includes lending equipment and helping to choose suitable ones but also by offering some help in exhibition building and transporting. Log in for more info.
installation in exhibition

Choosing exhibition structures

Regardless of whether you're building your solo exhibition or you're part of the group of exhibitors, it's worth outlining your exhibition layout well in advance. Once you have reserved the space and possibly shared it with other exhibitors, you can check the structures we are offering.

To get started on the exhibition layout, you can check the availability of exhibition structures (pedestals, stands etc.) through from subcategory "events", that's under Väre Takeout. You'll see the next four months in the booking calendar and can book the structures in advance. We kindly ask you to consider the other exhibitors (in other spaces) and to not overbook all the structures just in case. The structures can be used in other gallery spaces outside Väre. In Beta-Space (Otakaari 1X) they have their own pedestals, which come with the space reservation.

Other materials:

Limited selection of hanging wires, hooks, paper clips, clamps, tape etc. ask Takeout staff for it.

Choosing AV-equipment

Depending on how you want your work to be displayed, Takeout has wide variety of audiovisual equipment to implement your plan. You'll find the equipment like screens, projectors, tablets, lights etc. divided into different categories from

As a student you would need to book the AV-equipment by sending us an email to [email protected], if your exhibition is more than 2 weeks away. Employees can book the equipment 4 months in advance. If you're not sure what you'll need, Takeout staff will be happy to help you with the tech. The sooner you contact us, the better supply will be available of course.

Good to remember:

Lock the equipment if the space is not supervised, add safety cables when hanging up, as the equipment's suspension can break, pull and tape the cables with care, remember space-specific rules for hanging, etc. so that the exhibition is safe and accessible for visitors. There will be more info added to the pages later.

Aalto Takeout

Create a project, find interesting resources, then reserve them by selecting dates from their calendars.

Equipment reservation system

Useful links

Professor Maarit Mäkelä sits on a chair and paints a ceramic pot with soil from Venice, in a brightly lit area

Organise an Exhibition at Aalto University

Aalto University has multiple exhibition spaces across the Otaniemi campus and the curators welcome interest from students, staff and researchers in organising their own exhibitions and projects.

Research & Art

Exhibition Spaces (external link)

Exhibition space reservations in

ARTS van

ARTS infra van

ARTS infra van for transportations related to ARTS teaching, courses, research and artistic activities.

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Takeout offices

Kuva välinelainaamosta

Väre Takeout

Väre Takeout is an equipment lending service with diverse AV and IT equipment. Nowadays part of Aalto Studios. Studies and research have the highest priority in our operation, but everyone in Aalto community is welcome to use our services.

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Diverse Studios Takeout equipment

Aalto Studios Takeout (external link)

Wide selection of equipment for audiovisual projects at the Otakaari 7 Takeout office. Part of the Aalto Takeout network.

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