Department of Applied Physics

Quantum Computing and Devices (QCD)

The Quantum Computing and Devices (QCD) group was formally established in October 2007, and since 2012, the premises of our research group has been referred to as QCD Labs. We keep an open mind and explore the most interesting and promising pathways to reach maximal quality and productivity in our research and innovations.
An artistic illustration shows how microscopic bolometers (depicted on the right) can be used to sense very weak radiation emitt
An artistic illustration shows how microscopic bolometers (depicted on the right) can be used to sense very weak radiation emitted from qubits (depicted on the left). Photo: Aleksandr Käkinen/Aalto University

New method of measuring qubits promises ease of scalability in a microscopic package

Aalto University researchers are the first in the world to measure qubits with ultrasensitive thermal detectors—thus evading the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

(Aalto news)

We have a major effort on experimental quantum physics with superconducting circuits, but we also carry out computational and theoretical work down to fundamental quantum mechanics. Currently, we focus on control and readout techniques for superconducting qubits and on the implementation of on-demand dissipation in quantum circuits to study the related dynamics of open quantum systems. 
We also develop ultrasensitive microwave detectors and on-chip components for controlling microwave photons, single-electron pumps based on silicon quantum dots, and quantum knots and monopoles in Bose-Einstein condensates. We are also proud to have given birth to a leading European quantum-computer company IQM. Recently, we jointly developed with IQM an open-source software, KQCircuits, to design superconducting quantum processors, making our tools available for the entire quantum community (more information here).

Mikko Möttönen

Group leader

Dr. Mikko Möttönen

Mikko's Quantum Blog


Research highlight: 

NATURE PUBLICATION: Bolometer operating at the threshold for circuit quantum electrodynamics,
Nature 586, 47–51 (2020).

SCIENCE PUBLICATION: Observation of isolated monopoles in a quantum field,
Science 348, 544 (2015).

Bolometers used for qubit readout

Ultrasensitive bolometers

We develop fast and sensitive thermal detectors for circuit quantum electrodynamics applications.

Department of Applied Physics
Artistic depiction of a bright light in space / made by Ray Scipak

Quantum gases

Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) is a manifestation of macroscopic occupation of a single quantum state.

Department of Applied Physics
Six superconducting qubits sample

Superconducting quantum electronics

We develop components and methodology in the rapidly growing field of quantum computing, especially in the framework of circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED).

Department of Applied Physics
Quantum theory

Quantum theory

QCD's activities cover theoretical and computational problems in quantum information science as well as experimental realizations of quantum devices.

Department of Applied Physics
Silicon quantum electronics

Silicon quantum electronics

Our rigorous long term goal is to find a high-yield (100 pA) and metrologically accurate (10 ppb uncertainty) current source which could be used to redefine the unit of electric current, the ampere.

Department of Applied Physics

QCD Media Room

Media hits and research videos by the QCD group

QCD Cinema

Research presentations and media interviews on the research by the QCD group

QCD Media

QCD research in the media


The samples are fabricated in Micronova cleanroom facilities.

Computational studies are performed utilizing the resources of Aalto University and CSC.

Micro and nanofabrication facilities

OtaNano offers facilities to develop innovative enabling technologies and apply them to practical micro- and nano-systems

Cryostats and measurement equipment in QCD Labs

QCD Labs - Cryostats and measurement equipment

Cryostats and measurement equipment used in QCD Labs.

Department of Applied Physics

Latest publications

Bordism Invariants of Colored Links and Topologically Protected Tricolorings

Toni Annala, Hermanni Rajamäki, Mikko Möttönen 2024 Communications in Mathematical Physics

Wafer-scale CMOS-compatible graphene Josephson field-effect transistors

Andrey A. Generalov, Klaara L. Viisanen, Jorden Senior, Bernardo R. Ferreira, Jian Ma, Mikko Möttönen, Mika Prunnila, Heorhii Bohuslavskyi 2024 Applied Physics Letters

Single-shot readout of a superconducting qubit using a thermal detector

Andras Gunyho, Suman Kundu, Jian Ma, Wei Liu, Sakari Niemelä, Giacomo Catto, Vasilii Vadimov, Visa Vesterinen, Priyank Singh, Qiming Chen, Mikko Möttönen 2024 Nature Electronics

Decay-protected superconducting qubit with fast control enabled by integrated on-chip filters

Aashish Sah, Suman Kundu, Heikki Suominen, Qiming Chen, Mikko Möttönen 2024 Communications Physics

Many-excitation removal of a transmon qubit using a single-junction quantum-circuit refrigerator and a two-tone microwave drive

Wallace Teixeira, Timm Mörstedt, Arto Viitanen, Heidi Kivijärvi, András Gunyhó, Maaria Tiiri, Suman Kundu, Aashish Sah, Vasilii Vadimov, Mikko Möttönen 2024 Scientific Reports

Multimode physics of the unimon circuit

Sasu Tuohino, Vasilii Vadimov, Wallace Teixeira, Tommi Malmelin, Matti Silveri, Mikko Möttönen 2024 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Quantum-circuit refrigeration of a superconducting microwave resonator well below a single quantum

Arto Viitanen, Timm Mörstedt, Wallace S. Teixeira, Maaria Tiiri, Jukka Räbinä, Matti Silveri, Mikko Möttönen 2024 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Quantum error correction under numerically exact open-quantum-system dynamics

Aravind Babu, Tuure Orell, Vasilii Vadimov, Wallace Teixeira, Mikko Möttönen, Matti Silveri 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal
QCD group picture 2024
QCD group members 2024

QCD members in the group photo 2024 (from the left): 

Back: Jonatan Albanese, Tuomas Uusnäkki, Yusuf Sürmeli, Timm Mörstedt, Matias Perkiö, Aron Samulin

Middle: Aku Hertell, Arman Alizadeh, Aarne Keränen, Heikki Suominen, Miika Rasola, Mikko Tuokkola, Heidi Kivijärvi 

Front: Suman Kundu, Jian Ma, Qiming Chen, Priyank Singh, Yoshiki Sunada, Aashish Sah, Mikko Möttönen

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