Ledningen vid Högskolan för elektroteknik

Management of School of Electrical Engineering

The School of Electrical Engineering management site presents information regarding the decision-making processes of the school and the bodies involved.

Högskolan för elektroteknik

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Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Strategi och kvalitet

Heads of Departments

Tapio Lokki

Tapio Lokki

T412 Department of Information and Communications Engineering

Riku Jäntti

Department of Information and Communications Engineering

Heads of Units

Joni Tammi

Joni Tammi

Head of Department
Metsähovi Radio Observatory

Academic decision making

The primary body for academic issues is the Academic Committee. Select academic matters are also handled by School's Doctoral Programme Committee and degree programme committees, in accordance with school bylaws.

Doctoral Programme Committee

The chair of the Doctoral Programme Committee decides the date of the defence of dissertations and their language and appoints Custos and opponent(s) for the defence of dissertations.

Aalto University / Aalto students at A Grid / photo: Unto Rautio

Degree programme committees

Degree Programme committees of the School of Electrical Engineering have multiple tasks.

Studies / Aalto University/ Photo: Unto Rautio

Preparation and support for decision making

Management Team

School of Electrical Engineering Management Team

Communication and networking, kuvaaja Unto Rautio

School of Electrical Engineering Tenure Track Committee

Members and meetings of the School of Electrical Engineering Tenure Track Committee

Keltainen robotti / kuvaaja Aalto-yliopisto, Mikko Raskinen

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board has an important function in supporting the school’s research activities by having a monitoring and advising role in the discussions of the current state, plans and goals of the school.

People in Maarintie 8 building hallway.

Educational board

The purpose and aim of the educational board at the School of Electrical Engineering is to improve the quality of teaching, promote the management and development of teaching at various levels of the school’s activities as well as to promote cooperation with various actors and stakeholders.

Students, Aalto University, photo: Unto Rautio

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group

Contact information of the School of Electrical Engineering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group (EDI Group) and Aalto level contact points in case of harassment and inappropriate behaviour.

A group photo of people in cafeteria

Quality of Education Committee – School of Electrical Engineering

The Quality of Education Committee (QEC; OpLaa in Finnish) is a committee in the School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC) that strives to develop teaching and learning in collaboration with the school’s management, departments, Learning services and ELEC student guilds.

Aalto University / photo: Aino Huovio

Other working groups

There are some specific issues related working groups at the School of Electrical Engineering.

Kaksi opiskelijaa juttelee keskenään. Kuva: Unto Rautio / Aalto-yliopisto

Prodekanus (utbildning)

Prodekanus (forskning)

Executive Assistant

Harriet Jehkonen

Harriet Jehkonen

Johdon assistentti
T400 School services, ELEC



Aalto-universitetets högskola för elektroteknik har flera verksamhetsställen i Otnäs. Dessutom finns Skoggård radioforskningsinstitut i Kyrkslätt.

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Maarintie 8 at Aalto University campus
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