Aalto-universitetets pris för doktorsavhandlingar
Högskolorna beviljar Aalto-universitetets priser för doktorsavhandlingar enligt följande principer:
- Varje högskola belönar de mest förtjänta 10% av avhandlingarna som godkänts vid högskolorna.
- Priser beviljas varje år enligt kalenderår.
- Priset är 3000 euro. (Vid Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskaper är priset 1000 euro.)
- De grundläggande kriterierna för utdelning av priserna är akademisk kvalitet, inflytande och nyhetsvärde.
- Pristagarna väljs bland de doktorander/utexaminerade doktorer vars avhandling har godkänts under kalenderåret före prisutdelningsåret.
- När ett prisbeslut fattas beaktas de utlåtanden som förhandsgranskarna och opponenterna gett.
- Beslutet fattas av högskolans dekanus på framställning av högskolans forskarutbildningsråd.
- Prismottagarna tilldelas Aalto-universitetets gemensamma diplom för avhandlingar.
- Högskolorna delar ut prisen vid en ceremoni.
Principerna för utdelningen av Aalto-universitetets avhandlingspriser är i kraft 1.1.2022–31.12.2025 och gäller doktorsavhandlingar som godkänts åren 2021–2024. Principerna för denna period kommer att utvärderas och, om utdelningen av priser anses vara lämplig, kommer beslut om fortsatt prisutdelning fattas.
Målet är att uppmuntra doktorander till goda resultat och belöna doktorander vid Aalto-universitetets högskolor i enlighet med enhetliga principer. Förutom dessa priser kan högskolorna belöna sina doktorander på annat sätt i enlighet med högskolans mål och strategi.
Priser för avhandlingar 2024
(för doktorsavhandlingar publicerade 2023)
Högskolan för konst, design och arkitektur
Rebecca Close, Institutionen för konst och media: Post-internet queer reproductive work and the fixed capital of fertility – The interface, the network and the viral as themes and modes of artistic response, ansvarsprofessor och handledare Mira Kallio-Tavin
Kaisu Savola, Institutionen för design: ’Disrespectful thoughts about design’ – Social, political and environmental values in Finnish design, 1960–1980, ansvarsprofessor Guy Julier och handledare Pekka Korvenmaa
Doktorsavhandlingar vid School of Business kommer att delas ut under hösten 2024.
Högskolan för kemiteknik
Muhammad Awais, Institutionen för bioprodukter och bioteknik: Hyperspectral Imaging and Chemometrics to Investigate the Chemical Wood Modification, ansvarsprofessor Lauri Rautkari och handledare Dr. Michael Altgen, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Prof. Mikko Mäkelä, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Dr. Tiina Belt, Natural Resources Institute Finland.
Karl Alexander Henn, Institutionen för bioprodukter och bioteknik: Scalable Surface Chemistry for Lignin Modification - Creating Value for a Forest-Based Society, ansvarsprofessor och handledare professor Monika Österberg.
Sofia Julin, Institutionen för bioprodukter och bioteknik: DNA Origami as a Tool for Assembling Functional Biohybrid Nanomaterials, ansvarsprofessor och handledare professor Mauri Kostiainen och handledare assistant professor Veikko Linko, University of Tartu.
Högskolan för elektroteknik
Henri Hentilä, Institutionen för informations- och kommunikationsteknik. Secret Key Generation for Secure Wireless Internet of Things. Ansvarsprofessor och handledare Visa Koivunen.
Lassi Hällström, Institutionen för elektronik och nanoteknik. Computer simulations for designing green energy solutions. Ansvarsprofessor och handledare Ilkka Tittonen.
Henrik Kahanpää, Institutionen för elektronik och nanoteknik. On atmospheric pressure measurements and dust devils on planet Mars. Ansvarsprofessor och handledare Esa Kallio.
Elli Leppänen, Institutionen för elektroteknik och automation. Exploring the complex and diverse world of carbon electrochemistry: Unraveling the interplay between structure-property relationships. Ansvarsprofessor och handledare Tomi Laurila.
Alec Wright, Institutionen för informations- och kommunikationsteknik. Neural Modelling of Audio Effects. Ansvarsprofessor och handledare Vesa Välimäki.
Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskaper
Juho Uzkurt Kaljunen, Institutionen för byggd miljö. Waste nutrients harvested: Design and evaluation of nitrogen and phosporus recovery processes utilizing membrane contactor and absorption techniques, Ansvarsprofessor Anna Mikola
Joonas Lehtovaara, Institutionen för byggnadsteknik. Takt production and decentralized decision-making: improving construction production flow with novel planning & control approaches, Ansvarsprofessor Olli Seppänen
Zhenkun Li, Institutionen för byggnadsteknik. Bridge health condition assessment using instrumented moving vechiles, Ansvarsprofessor Weiwei Lin
Milad Omidi, Institutionen för maskinteknik. Material Properties of Planar Lattices, Ansvarsprofessor Luc St-Pierre
Malith Prasanna Rupasingha Arachchige, Institutionen för maskinteknik: Combined experimental and numerical study on ice block breakage, Ansvarsprofessor Arttu Polojärvi
Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper
Kukka-Emilia Huhtinen, Department of Applied Physics: Superconductivity and normal state properties in flat bands, ansvarsprofessor och handledare: Professor Päivi Törmä
Lassi Meronen, Institutionen för datateknik: Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning, ansvarsprofessor och handledare Professor Arno Solin
Juho Roponen, Institutionen för matematik och systemanalys: Computational models for adversarial risk analysis and probabilistic scenario planning, ansvarsprofessor och handledare: Professor Ahti Salo
Sebastian Szyller, Institutionen för datateknik: Ownership and Confidentiality in Machine Learning, ansvarsprofessor: Adjunct Professor N. Asokan och handledare: Research Fellow, Dr. Samuel Marchal, WithSecure
Viliam Vaňo, Department of Applied Physics: Designing quantum matter in two dimensions, ansvarsprofessor och handledare: Professor Peter Liljeroth
Sorrachai Yingchareonthawornchai, Institutionen för datateknik: Vertex Connectivity via Local Computation: Breaking Quadratic Time, Poly-logarithmic Max-flows, and Derandomization, ansvarprofessor: Professor Parinya Chalermsook och handledare: Professor Danupon Nanongkai, Max Planck Institute for Informatics och Saarland University, Germany
Koos Zevenhoven, Institutionen för neurovetenskap och biomedicinsk teknik: Unconventional MRI scanner technology and intelligent dynamics, ansvarprofessor: Professor Lauri Parkkonen och handledare: Professor (emer.) Risto Ilmoniemi
Priser för avhandlingar 2023
(för doktorsavhandlingar publicerade 2022)
Högskolan för konst, design och arkitektur
DA Hella Hernberg: Architects as ‘Mediators’: Socio-political roles in mediating the ‘temporary use’ of vacant spaces, Thesis at
DA Ilan Manouach: Estranging Comics – Towards a novel comics praxeology, Thesis at
Lauri Laine (Entrepreneurship): Metaentrepreneurship
Tolga Benzer (Economics): Essays on the Economics and Politics of Religious Institutions
Högskolan för kemiteknik
D.Sc. (Tech.) Janne Naapuri: Biocatalytic and chemoenzymatic synthesis of O-heterocycles from allenols, Thesis at
D.Sc. (Tech.) Katariina Solin: Nanocellulose Interactions with Protein and Water in Advanced Sensing Systems, Thesis at
D.Sc. (Tech.) Anna Vanderbruggen:
Lithium-ion batteries recycling with froth flotation – A study on characterization and liberation strategies, Thesis at
Högskolan för elektroteknik
D.Sc. (Tech) Juha Heinonen: High-sensitivity photodiodes using black silicon and induced junction, Thesis at
D.Sc. (Tech) Jens Lundell: Towards Robust 6-DoF Multi-Finger Grasping in Clutter with Explicit Scene Understanding, Thesis at
D.Sc. (Tech) Grigorii Ptitcyn: On Electromagnetics of Time-Modulated Structures, Thesis at
D.Sc. (Tech) Elias Raninen: Contributions to the Theory and Estimation of High-dimensional Covariance Matrices, Thesis at
Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskaper
D.Sc. (Tech) Matias Heino: Susceptibility of global crop production to climate variability and change, Thesis at
D.Sc. (Tech) Kaisa Jaalama: 3D geovisualizations in human-centered quality assessments of urban and green spaces — from point clouds to nonabsolute spaces, Thesis at
D.Sc. (Tech) Antti Surma-aho: The role of empathy in design practice - Theoretical development and empirical exploration of an integrated model, Thesis at
D.Sc. (Tech) Xiaolei Yuan: Optimization of row-and-rack level airflow management in data centers, Thesis at
Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper
Bayan Karimi, Department of Applied Physics
- Circuit Quantum Thermodynamics - from photonic heat transport to ultra-sensitive nanocalorimetry
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Jukka Pekola
Antonis Matakos, Institutionen för datateknik
- Social Media for Social Good: Models and Algorithms
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Aristides Gionis
Topi Paananen, Institutionen för datateknik
- Computational methods for Bayesian model assessment
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Aki Vehtari
Joosef Valli, Institutionen för produktionsekonomi
- Cognition, Complexity, and the Financial Crisis - The Federal Open Market Committee's Search for a Monetary Policy Strategy
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Henri Schildt
Julian Weigt, Institutionen för matematik och systemanalys
- Endpoint regularity of maximal functions in higher dimensions
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Juha Kinnunen
Hanna Halme, Institutionen för neurovetenskap och biomedicinsk teknik
- Methods for brain–computer interfaces utilizing MEG and motor imagery
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Lauri Parkkonen
Högskolan för konst, design och arkitektur
D.Sc. (Arch) Ashish Mohite: Speed-Based Additive Manufacturing Technique: Discovery and Exploration of Design Potential of Speed of Deposition in Additive Manufacturing (link to Aaltodoc)
DA Henrika Ylirisku: Reorienting Environmental Art Education (link to Aaltodoc)
Högskolan för kemiteknik
D.Sc. Moheb Abdelaziz: Nanocomposite with Polarizonic Reflective Coloration: from Fabrication to Function
D.Sc. Pelin Altinkaya: Leaching and Recovery of Gold from Low Grade Raw Materials in Cyanide-free Media
D.Sc. Imtisal-e-Noor: Waste Heat Driven Membrane Distillation for Industrial Wastewater Treatment
D.Sc. Tao Zou: Lignin Nanoparticles: Understanding of Their Properties and Modifications for Versatile Applications
Högskolan för elektroteknik
D.Sc. (Tech.) Tuomas Haapala: Microwatt integrated radio transceiver circuits
for aggressively duty-cycled wireless networks
D.Sc. (Tech.) Robin Rajamäki: Sparse sensor arrays for active sensing – Array
configurations and signal processing
D.Sc. (Tech.) Sabin Karki: Beam-switching antennas for millimeter-wave
D.Sc. (Tech.) Mahafugur Rahman: Weak-Grid Tolerant Control Methods for
Voltage-Source Converters
Högskolan för ingenjörsvetenskaper
D.Sc. (Tech.) Lei Du: Maritime Traffic Risk Analysis in the Northern Baltic Sea
from AIS Data
D.Sc. (Tech.) Jarkko Laine: Ductile iron modelling and optimisation for
mechanically and thermally loaded components
D.Sc. (Tech.) Pekka Koivisto: New Aerodynamic Aspects of Aircraft De/Anti-
icing fluids
D.Sc. (Tech.) Bruno Reinaldo Concalves: A nonlinear modelling approach for
corrugated sandwich beams
Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper
Valentina Candiani, Institutionen för matematik och systemanalys
- Computational Approaches in Electrical Impedance Tomography with Applications to Head Imaging
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Nuutti Hyvönen
Antti Moilanen, Department of Applied Physics
- Bose-Einstein Condensation in Plasmonic Lattices
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Päivi Törmä
Robert van der Have, Institutionen för produktionsekonomi
- Seeking Speed: Managing the Search for Knowledge to Innovate Faster
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Markku Maula
Vikas Verma, Institutionen för datateknik
- Algorithms for Data-Efficient Training of Deep Neural Networks
- Supervising professor Juho Kannala, thesis advisors Yoshua Bengio, Mila - Quebec AI Institute, Tapani Raiko and Juha Karhunen
Ivan Zubarev, Institutionen för neurovetenskap och biomedicinsk teknik
- Developing Machine-learning Methods for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Brain Activity
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Lauri Parkkonen
Högskolan för konst, design och arkitektur
DA David Muñoz Alcantara: Aesthetic Praxis In Translation - Introduction and Translation of Alberto Híjar Serrano's: Aesthetic Praxis. The Aesthetic Dimension of Liberation (link to Aaltodoc)
Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper
Jori Bomanson, Institutionen för datateknik
- Normalization and Rewriting for Answer Set Programming and Optimization
- Supervising professor Ilkka Niemelä, thesis advisors Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt and Tomi Janhunen, Tampere University
Zeerim Cheung, Institutionen för produktionsekonomi
- Analytically Structured History Approach Using a Relational Database - Essays on the Historical Embeddedness of Strategy Formulation
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Robin Gustafsson
Mohamed Taoufiq Damir, Institutionen för matematik och systemanalys
- Well-Rounded Lattices and Applications to Physical Layer Security
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Camilla Hollanti
Lauri Himanen, Department of Applied Physics
- Materials Informatics - Augmenting Materials Research with Data-driven Design and Machine Learning
- Supervising professor Patrick Rinke, thesis advisor Adam Foster
Matti Karppa, Institutionen för datateknik
- On Bilinear Techniques for Similarity Search and Boolean Matrix Multiplication
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Petteri Kaski
Markus Kettunen, Institutionen för datateknik
- Gradient-Domain Methods for Realistic Image Synthesis
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Jaakko Lehtinen
Antti Mäkinen, Institutionen för neurovetenskap och biomedicinsk teknik
- Applications of magnetic-field modeling for hybrid MEG and MRI
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Risto Ilmoniemi
Aaro Väkeväinen, Department of Applied Physics
- Lasing and Bose-Einstein condensation in plasmonic lattices at weak and strong coupling regimes
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Päivi Törmä
Högskolan för konst, design och arkitektur
DA Khalil Klouche: Explorable Information Spaces. Designing Entity Affordances for Fluid Information Exploration (link to Aaltodoc)
DA Taneli Luotoniemi: Hyperspatial Interlace. Grasping Four-dimensional Geometry Through Crafted Models (link to Aaltodoc)
Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper
Alex Karrila, Institutionen för matematik och systemanalys
- Conformally invariant scaling limits of random curves and correlations
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Kalle Kytölä
Jere Mäkinen, Department of Applied Physics
- Dynamics and vortex structures in topological superfluid ³He at ultra-low temperatures and under confinement
- Supervising professor Pertti Hakonen, thesis advisor Vladimir Eltsov
Tuomas Ollikainen, Department of Applied Physics
- Creation and dynamics of topological structures in Bose–Einstein condensates
- Supervising professor Mikko Möttönen, thesis advisor David S. Hall, Amherst College, USA
Teemu Kämäräinen, Institutionen för datateknik
- Understanding and Optimizing Delay-Sensitive Interactive Mobile Application Systems
- Supervising professor Antti Ylä-Jääski, thesis advisor Matti Siekkinen
Juho Piironen, Institutionen för datateknik
- Bayesian Predictive Inference and Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Aki Vehtari
Mikael Öhman, Institutionen för produktionsekonomi
- Design science in operations management: extracting knowledge from maturing designs
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Jan Holmström
Högskolan för konst, design och arkitektur
DA Sanna Marttila: Infrastructuring for Cultural Commons (link to Aaltodoc)
Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper
Abdulmelik Mohammed, Institutionen för datateknik
- Algorithmic Design of Biomolecular Nanostructures
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Pekka Orponen
Anna Cichonska, Institutionen för datateknik
- Machine Learning for Systems Pharmacology
- Supervising professor Juho Rousu and thesis advisors Tero Aittokallio, FIMM (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland) and University of Turku, and Matti Pirinen, FIMM (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland)
Polina Rozenshtein, Institutionen för datateknik
- Methods for analyzing temporal networks
- Supervising professor Aristides Gionis and thesis advisor Nikolaj Tatti, F-Secure
Siavash Khajavi, Institutionen för produktionsekonomi
- Improving Additive Manufacturing Enabled Operations – A Forward Looking Empirical Study
- Supervising professor Jan Holmström and thesis advisor Jouni Partanen
Juulia Suvilehto, Institutionen för neurovetenskap och biomedicinsk teknik
- Maintaining social bonds via touching: A cross-cultural study
- Supervising professor Mikko Sams and thesis advisor Lauri Nummenmaa, University of Turku
Alex Westström, Department of Applied Physics
- Majorana and Weyl Modes in Designer Materials
- Supervising professor Christian Flindt and thesis advisor Teemu Ojanen, Tampere University
Tuomas Vanhala, Department of Applied Physics
- Dynamical mean-field theory studies of superfluidity and topological phases in lattice models
- Supervising professor Päivi Törmä and thesis advisor Ari Harju, Varian medical systems
Sampo Hämäläinen, Department of Applied Physics
- Spin-wave excitations in multiferroic heterostructures and CoFeB/YIG bilayers
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Sebastiaan van Dijken
Tom Gustafsson, Institutionen för matematik och systemanalys
- Finite Element Methods for Contact Problems
- Supervising professor Rolf Stenberg and thesis advisor Juha Videman, University of Lisbon
Högskolan för konst, design och arkitektur
DA Claudia Garduño García: Freedom as Design (link to Aaltodoc)
DA Lena Séraphin: Don Quijote -komplexet och laborationer i fiktionalitet (link to Aaltodoc)
D.Sc. (Arch) Tuija Lind: Rauniot – arvoja ja tekoja. Rauniorestaurointi ja arkeologisten alueiden suunnittelu (link to Aaltodoc)
Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper
Lari Koponen, Institutionen för neurovetenskap och biomedicinsk teknik
- Implementing advanced transcranial magnetic stimulation technology
- Supervising professor Risto Ilmoniemi and thesis advisors Risto Ilmoniemi, Jaakko Nieminen and Matti Stenroos
Orestis Kostakis, Institutionen för datateknik
- Advances in Analysing Temporal Data
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Aristides Gionis
Ville Liljeström, Department of Applied Physics
- Electrostatic Self-Assembly - From Proteins, Viruses, and Nanoparticles to Functional Materials
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Mauri Kostiainen
Yu Liu, Institutionen för produktionsekonomi
- Antecedents and Outcomes of Partnering Abroad with Local Firms: Evidence from Cross-border Venture Capital
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Markku Maula
Ilya Nikolaevskiy, Institutionen för datateknik
- Scalability and Resiliency of Static Routing
- Supervising professor Antti Ylä-Jääski and thesis advisor Andrei Gurtov, Linköping University
Natalie Segercrantz, Department of Applied Physics
- Optoelectronic properties of III-V compounds and alloys
- Supervising professor Filip Tuomisto and thesis advisor Jonatan Slotte
Konstantin Tiurev, Department of Applied Physics
- Quantum Knots and Monopoles
- Supervising professor Päivi Törmä and thesis advisor Mikko Möttönen
Emanuele Ventura, Institutionen för matematik och systemanalys
- Geometry of Real Tensors and Phylogenetics
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Alexander Engström
Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper
Miika Aittala, Department of Computer Science
- Computational Methods for Capture and Reproduction of Photorealistic Surface Appearance
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Jaakko Lehtinen
Enrico Glerean, Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering
- Dynamic similarity of brain activity in humans: from single areas to functional networks
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Mikko Sams
Jonne Koski, Department of Applied Physics
- Heat transport, fluctuations, and Maxwell's demon in electronic nanocircuits
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Jukka Pekola
Emmi Ruokokoski, Department of Applied Physics
- Magnetic-Monopole Analogues and Topological Textures in Dilute Bose–Einstein Condensates
- Supervising professor Risto Nieminen, thesis advisor Mikko Möttönen
Jaakko Luttinen, Department of Computer Science
- Bayesian Latent Gaussian Spatio-Temporal Models
- Supervising professor Juha Karhunen, thesis advisor Alexander Ilin
Pekka Töytäri, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
- Managing value-based exchange in industrial markets: An organizational capability perspective
- Supervising professor Risto Rajala, thesis advisors Jan Holmström ja Petri Parvinen
Paula Savioja, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Evaluating systems usability in complex work – Development of a systemic usability concept to benefit control room design
- Supervising professor Marko Nieminen, thesis advisor Leena Norros, VTT
Atte Aalto, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis
- Infinite dimensional systems: passivity and Kalman filter discretization
- Supervising professor Rolf Stenberg, thesis advisor Jarmo Malinen
Riku Ruotsalainen, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
- The micro-to-macro problem: the generation of mobilizing frames through idea development conversations
- Supervising professor Matti Vartiainen, thesis advisor Henri Schildt
Mari Ijäs, Department of Applied Physics
- Chemically modified and nanostructured graphene
- Supervising professor Risto Nieminen, thesis advisor Ari Harju
Olli-Pentti Saira, OVL Laboratory
- Electrostatic control of quasiparticle transport in superconducting hybrid
- Supervising professor Jukka Pekola, thesis advisor Mikko Möttönen
Jefrey Lijffijt, Department of Information and Computer Science
- Computational methods for comparison and exploration of event sequences
- Supervising professor Juho Rousu, thesis advisor Heikki Mannila
Billy Bob Brumley, Department of Information and Computer Science
- Covert Timing Channels, Caching, and Cryptography
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Kaisa Nyberg
Allan Perämäki, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis
- Numerical Solution of the Real-linear Equations of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Nonsmooth Conductivities
- Supervising professor Olavi Nevanlinna, thesis advisor Marko Huhtanen
Juha Uotila, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
- Balancing Exploratory and Exploitative Adaptation: Organizational and Environmental Dynamics
- Supervising professor Markku Maula, thesis advisor Thomas Keil
Antti Hyvärinen, Department of Information and Computer Science
- Grid based propositional satisfiability solving
- Supervising professor Ilkka Niemelä, thesis advisor Tommi Junttila
Joonas Järvinen, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
- Dynamics of ecological interdependences between European paper & pulp and printing & publishing industries, 1950-2005
- Supervising professor and thesis advisor Juha-Antti Lamberg
Jirka Poropudas, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis
- Bayesian networks, influence diagrams, and games in simula
- Supervising professor Raimo Hämäläinen, thesis advisor Kai Virtanenai Virtanen
Index över alla sidor om forskarutbildning
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