vdi.aalto.fi - How to use Aalto Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Access an Aalto virtual workstation from your own device from anywhere.
Väre Takeout has computers for various needs. Some have the Aalto installation, some are so-called standalone computers. The ones with Aalto installation are mainly for more official course and project use as the standalone ones are borrowed a little more freely also directly to students (when we have them available). Log in for more information.
A remote connection, or a VPN connection, enables users to use the services of Aalto University outside of the university's network.
Adobe applications are installed on almost all ARTS computers.
All computers of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture are equipped with the applications that are essential for studies.
Aalto IT provides staff members and students application licenses, some of them with free of charge, that can be installed on personal computers.
You can install or remove optional programs on an Aalto Mac through application distribution of the Managed Software Centre.
This page will give you an overview of an Aalto Windows workstation.
Access an Aalto virtual workstation from your own device from anywhere.
Aalto IT provides staff members and students application licenses, some of them with free of charge, that can be installed on personal computers.