Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Drawing and painting

The drawing and painting studios are used for core courses as well as for optional courses in life drawing, freehand drawing and contemporary art.
Drawing and painting

The Ateliers for 2D and 3D art work are used by Common, Elective and TAITE-courses offered by Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. In addition also Aalto University Open University courses use the ateliers.

The ateliers are flexible and can be configured to cater various needs of courses. In addition to traditional drawing and painting the ateliers can be used for creating installations and learning about the basics of sculpture. Each atelier is equipped with basic equipment and worktops or easels.

For contact information and to reserve space in the workshop, please log into the Aalto website.

The Ateliers are located at

  • Metallimiehenkuja 4, 3rd floor, Atelier space 301a/301b
  • Metallimiehenkuja 2, 1st floor, spaces: Valimo 105, Kajuutta 111 and Kajuutta 112
  • Otakaari 1 X, A-wing, 3rd floor, spaces: 2D Atelier A304-A307 ja 3D Atelier A308-A309
  • Otakaari 1 X, A-wing, 2nd floor, spaces: Art Studio A221-A222
  • Otakaari 1 X, A-wing, 1st floor, spaces: Color Studio A124-A125a

The ateliers can be booked for courses only. No individual bookings nor work permits allowed. The only exception to this is Metallimiehenkuja 4 3rd floors Atelier 301a/301b, where students can book times to work on their individual projects. Booking to this space is from MyCourses webpage from ARTS Infra workshop access course page, where all other workshop times from campus can be booked from.

All course materials are provided by the workshop master together with the courses teachers and course budgets. If you wish to use your own materials and you feel uncertain whether you are allowed to use them or not please contact the workshop master.  The basic materials in compulsory courses include papers, drawing instruments, acrylics and clay. Nowadays you may not use normal oil colors in our premises, only water soluble oil color is allowed. The place to use water soluble oil colors is only at Metallimiehenkuja 4.

Workshop master will prepare the ateliers for coursework. All users of the atelier spaces will participate in maintaining the work area clean and safe.

For more details, please contact the workshop master.

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