
Sustainable wellbeing in teaching

Wellbeing in teaching entails both teacher and student perspectives. How can the wellbeing of the teachers and the students be taken into account simultaneously? How do they affect each other? These pages serve as a teachers' reference and study package for improving wellbeing in teaching and studies at Aalto.
Wellbeing in Teaching



    "The teacher has an open "office" in his course with a remote connection (zoom, teams, etc) once a week for approx. 30 minutes, where you can stop by and ask about the lecture / the arrangements of the course, etc...."

    Student, spring 2022



    "The importance of managing expectations and communication at the beginning of the course (and a continuous feedback channel open during the course): what is coming, why, what is expected of the students, why e.g. presence, interaction...  the importance of pedagogical metatalk!"

    Student, spring 2022



    "Team Finnish students with foreign students for team work, so that they will get to know each other."

    Student, spring 2022

    According to several studies, the wellbeing of the teacher and the students are inextricably linked. Teaching and learning are not separate things - rarely one exists without the other. The essence of working as a teacher is about daily encounters with students and other teachers. A teacher's wellbeing has effects on the quality of the teachers' work as well as support to student wellbeing. And vice versa. Teaching, where students feel like they are part of it and the dialog is open and two-way, can support the wellbeing of students.

    An individual who is doing well, is better able to regulate stress, and more likely able to recognize their own values and ways of thinking. They are also likely to take action in these issues, and hence support the wellbeing of their social environment. In teaching, this happens, e.g., through positive incentives, empowering students and through supporting experimentation and participation.

    Instead of consentrating on suppporting individual wellbeing only, we need to think of community wellbeing. Multidimensional understading of wellbeing enables different lifestyles, empowers and supports agency. When social and structural challenges are solved in the community, they do not become individual challenges.

    The Wellbeing in Teaching Toolbox is produced by Aalto Oasis of Radical Wellbeing, Aalto HR and Aalto Learning Services.

    Read more: Together Towards Holistic Wellbeing

    Liisa Postareff: "Academic Wellbeing – The relations between teaching, learning and wellbeing of the learning community"

    Available through Aalto login. English with subtitles.

    Inspiroidu esityksestä
    Liisa Postareff

    Supporting wellbeing in teaching -toolkit

    Wellbeing in teaching can be promoted on several different levels. On an individual level, teacher is able to reflect on their own teaching and think about methods that support students learning. At the level of planning, e.g. consideration of study time allocation is important for the work of both the student and the teacher. From a community perspective, it is important to think about the goals we set for the programme and how they support the progress of studies and wellbeing. What kind of working methods in teaching support wellbeing.

    We gathered activities that promote wellbeing at different levels together.

      Mindfulness SQ

      A calming exercise helps you to stop

      With the help of mindfulness and other exercises that calm the mind and brain, we can return to the present moment, stop with our own thoughts and body, but also get in touch with the environment. Use the exercises to support your own wellbeing or make them part of the teaching. For example, a calming exercise at the beginning of a teaching session helps you and your students stop and focus on the moment. Read more.

      Opettaja ja opiskelija opetustilanteessa

      Well-formed intended learning outcomes support wellbeing on a course level

      A well-formed intended learning outcome (ILO) tells the student what they are expected to learn during the course and helps the student to focus on what is essential. It enables support during the course and serves as a basis for evaluation. Communicating ILO's to students and talking about them during the course supports wellbeing. See here tips for formulating intended learning outcomes.

      IMAGE: Aalto University/Aino Huovio

      Time allocation is an important part of course design

      Allocating enough time for studying is an important part of planning your teaching. Study time allocation is used to ensure that a sufficient amount of time is reserved for the student to achieve the intended learning outcomes (ILO) and for high-quality, comprehensive learning. It is good to look at the time needed also from the point of view of the teacher's work. A well-done calculation makes it possible for teaching and studying not to burden anyone too much. Read more

      AllWell SQ

      Data supports development

      At its best data can support development and help the education programme to support wellbeing. Familiarize yourself with the AllWell results of your programme and the teacher's guide on how to improve teaching. Guide and the instructions how to use PowerBI can be found here

      Levels of wellbeing: Individual and community

      Community wellbeing. Reflect wellbeing in your community:

      What would improve your wellbeing?
      How could you support the wellbeing of others? Who makes up your immediate community?
      How could the wellbeing of your immediate community improve?
      What could the Aalto community do to improve wellbeing?

      Opiskelijoita opiskelemassa ryhmässä

      The teacher(s) and students building community wellbeing together

      The feeling of belonging to a community is one of the most important things that support well-being. This can be supported by both the teacher and the students in the group. Read more about how you support inclusion and a sense of belonging in your teaching. Read more

      students and a teacher talkin

      Feedback as a tool for development and a part of community wellbeing

      Collecting feedback as part of teaching, also during the course, is one of the most important ways to ensure and support the learning of the student and the student group during the course. In addition to traditional feedback surveys, course discussions and short surveys, e.g. In MyCourses, teachers have a chance to make sure that students can follow their teaching. Read more

      Study ability

      Ability to study means a student’s ability to work

      Personal resources, study skills, teaching and counselling, and a supportive study environment all have significant impacts on how well a student performs. Strengths in one or more areas may help to maintain a student’s ability to study even when there are problems in other areas. Study progress can be improved by addressing all the different aspects of ability to study.

      Read more

      Developing Wellbeing Through Curricula Development

      Opiskelijoita Kauppakorkeakoululla. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

      Curriculum mapping

      The curriculum mapping method supports the planning of aligned teaching.

      Programme director's handbook
      Teaching Lab Design Kit / Hackathons

      Design Kit

      How to get started with experimenting and creating new forms of teaching and learning?

      Henkilö luennoi luokan edessä henkilöstön jäsenille

      The AllWell? student survey and development of teaching at Aalto University

      The annually conducted AllWell? student survey gives us research-based data for planning pedagogical development. A summary of AllWell? results are distributed to Aalto programme directors and school management.

      Teaching and learning
      Four people sitting on the stairs near School of Business and Väre, in sunlight

      Curriculum development

      The aim of curriculum design is a programme that helps students acquire the competence they will need in their field in the future and to acquire it within the target time frame. In this page, we have described the stages of curriculum development and instructions for each stage. You can find also tools and working templates to carry out each stage.

      Programme director's handbook

      Events and courses

      MyCourses training
      For Aalto community Support for digital teaching

      MyCourses Grading Basics training

      Learn how to grade in MyCourses!
      For Aalto community Support for digital teaching

      MyCourses Advanced Features in Grading

      Learn advanced features of grading in MyCourses!
      Kaleidoscope Cinema poster
      For Aalto community Other

      Kaleidoscope Cinema 04 - Disclosure (2020)

      Kaleidoscope Cinema Friday 25.10. at 17.00-20.00.
      puhutaan suomea
      Languages and multiculturality

      Puhutaan suomea - Learning Finnish together!

      Welcome to learn and practice your Finnish skills!
      This service is provided by:

      Learning Services

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