
Professors in Integrated Circuit Design - applicant info package

This page is meant for prospective candidates for professor positions in Integrated Circuit Design. From the PDF below you can find more information about the position. You can find the job advertisement link at the bottom of this page. Please apply by 17.10.2023.

If you wish to know more about working at Aalto University and living in Finland, please see the links below.

Further information

Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering

Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering (ELE) conducts research and arranges related teaching courses in the fields of electromagnetics, micro and nanotechnology, radio engineering, and space technology.

Aalto University / Aalto satellite / photo: Mikko Raskinen

School of Electrical Engineering

We are experts in systems science developing integrated solutions from care of the elderly to space robotics.

laboratory facilities in microwave engineering major

Aalto Electronics-ICT

Aalto Electronics-ICT is an infrastructure for research and education in the fields of electromagnetics and material studies, electronic circuit design and microelectronics, radio science and engineering, and space science and technology.

Starlab antenna characterization chamber


Micronova is part of OtaNano - Finland's national research infrastructure for micro- and nanotechnology, jointly run by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Aalto University.

Micronova cleanroom kuva: Aino Huovio

Electronics and Nanotechnology, Master of Science (Technology)

By developing modern hardware technology, electronics and nanotechnology experts play a key role in shaping the future.

Aalto electronics-ICT anechoic chamber for 2-60 GHz and two near-field scanners

Digital Systems and Design, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)

Digital Systems and Design educates specialists in various fields of digital systems. This major gives you competence in engineering design, as well as project planning and management, employing tools from embedded systems, control theory, and signal processing.

Aalto University / students in the corridor / photography Aino Huovio

Tenure track

Aalto University’s tenure track career system offers a well-supported and clear career path for professor-level academics towards a permanent professorship.

At work

Tenure track career path

This page introduces the Aalto University tenure track career system for professors. The page contains information on the general principles of the tenure track, levels and description of the career system, professors' work profile and work time allocation as well as general regulations (Aalto tenure track policies and procedures).

Harald Herlin

For international staff

Are you thinking of moving to Finland to work at Aalto University - or are you already an international member of the Aalto community? The information below might provide interesting insight in the practicalities of living in Finland and working at Aalto.

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