
Processing of personal data - Staff

The reasons why and situations where we process your personal data

Why do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data in connection with the following tasks:

  • Salary and remuneration payments, the reception of salary calculation data and the transfer of salary calculation data to different stakeholders. The planning, management, monitoring and statistics related to staff, salary and employment relationship matters as well as the handling of an employer’s statutory and voluntary tasks.
  • Staff working hours tracking system and the allocation of working hours (for the division of project salary expenses).
  • The management of the evaluation process that is conducted in connection with the salary system for Finnish universities (YPJ) 
    •   The evaluation process for the requirement level of a task
    •   The evaluation process for personal performance
  • The occupational wellbeing of staff: Occupational wellbeing surveys and reports

Do we use automated profiling in our decision-making processes?

Automated decision-making refers to a decision meant for the evaluation of a person’s specific characteristics that is conducted using only automated data processing and that results in legal effects for the data subject or that will otherwise affect them in a significant way. Some examples of automated decision-making include credit status decisions and profiling. The data subject has the right to not be subjected to automated decision-making.

We do not utilise automated decision-making.

Why are we allowed to process your personal data?

The processing of personal data is based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The more detailed justifications for processing the data are:

  1. Compliance with the data controller’s statutory obligation. Acts and decrees: the Universities Act (558/2009), the Government Decree on Universities (770/2009), the Employment Contracts Act (55/2001)
  2. Implementation of the data controller’s or third party’s legitimate interests, specify the legitimate interest: the significant relationship between the data controller and the data subject (employment relationship)

Our staff management processes also involve the processing of so-called sensitive data (membership in a trade union), and the special justification for the processing of said data is to ensure the data controller’s or data subject’s compliance with any obligations that are related to labour law or social security.

This service is provided by:

Legal Services

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