Press/Media and Prizes in ACRIS
Adding prizes
You are able to showcase different types of prizes as a part of your public portal profile. There are five prize format types to choose from, which are all important in tenure track, merit evaluation and RAI.
- Award or honour granted for a specific work: when you have been granted award due to your academic or artistic work, e.g. speaker award, best paper award.
- Award or honour granted for academic or artistic career: when you have honoured due to your exceptional academic or artistic career, e.g. ERC grant, nominated fellowship, Artist Professor, Aalto Professor.
- Invitation or ranking in competition: when your have excelled in a competition.
- Granted funding (personal grants)
- Granted funding (public project funding)
Information on prizes is not validated by support staff.
Please see the instructions on adding information about prizes to your ACRIS profile.
Press/Media in ACRIS
Press and Media items can be added to ACRIS by researchers, and the Finnish media items are also integrated through Meltwater service.
Meltwater press and media items are integrated from Finnish online press and media sources, according to Aalto related keywords. Service staff checks and validates the items and adds them to researcher profiles in ACRIS.
If the piece of news does not belong to you, disclaim it, and it should not be suggested to you again.
You can not delete the integrated news but you can change the visibility setting at the bottom of the page as backend, i.e. the news is visible only to you.
In addition, we have granted each individual user the right to add and edit press/media.
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This page compiles all ACRIS instructions. ACRIS, Aalto Current Research Information System, is the research information management system of Aalto University. Information is displayed in the public portal
ACRIS Instructions
Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal