

Low Power Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) is a data network for IoT devices. A device can send small amount of data with a minimal power which makes batteries to last long. LoRaWAN is suitable for static and mobile sensors that are operated by batteries.


A sensor connected to the LoRaWAN network sends a message containing measurement data to the nearest base station which delivers it further to the operator´s datacenter. The datagram will be transferred over the internet to a user-selected server with a secure HTTP POST call. All the messages are also temporarily saved into the datacenter of Digita´s partner in the EU. The user is able to download a dump of all the sensor messages from the portal.


LoRaWAN is a nationwide network in Finland. The network is also internationally available since Digita has roaming agreements in Europe. 

Detailed coverage map is available on Digita's website. Even though there is a good coverage in the Otaniemi area, the signal strength inside buildings may be weak.

Use cases

LoRaWAN is especially good for IoT devices like sensors. Thanks to the low transmission power, a sensor´s batteries can last for years even outdoor. In addition, sensors are inexpensive so building large sensor networks is budget-friendly.  LoRaWAN network can easily be programmed to deliver sensors´ data with HTTP POST call to any server in the internet.

Target groups

Primary target groups of the LoRaWAN are researchers, teachers and persons responsible for building automation. Also students are allowed to use LoRaWAN free of charge for learning purposes.


In order to start using the LoRaWAN network, you need a subscrption to Digita's Thingpark portal. Contact IT Service Desk ([email protected]) and describe your use case. IT support personnel will create you a subscription.

LoRaWAN devices have many technical settings that must be correctly configured. IT Services may assist in configuring sensors but also self-service is possible.

More information about Digita's LoRaWAN network

Restrictions and risks

It is not allowed to use the LoRaWAN network for any commercial purposes. Access rights are valid only in Finland. 

The data communication is encrypted but the meta data, like location information, is saved to the operator´s datacenter unencrypted. According to the security inspection made by Aalto IT Services, the confidentiality of the data cannot be guaranteed. The network is not suitable for transferring confidential or personal data without end-to-end encryption between sensors and servers. The availability of the data in the operator´s datacenter is not guanranteed so the network users are advised to fetch the information as soon as possible whenever the automated delivery has not worked.

More information


Aalto nextG

Aalto nextG is an infrastructure supporting research on future mobile networks. It is operated by the School of Electrical Engineering's, Information and Communications Engineering technical support services.

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