
Internationalisation – School of Electrical Engineering

Internationalisation is one of the key principles of Aalto University. We strive to provide internationally attractive education and our degree education aims to give our graduates the abilities needed in international job markets, working in multicultural environments and solving global challenges.
Kampus Väre A Bloc umbrellas Image: Unto Rautio

Internationalisation is one of the key principles of Aalto University. We strive to provide internationally attractive education and our degree education aims to give our graduates the abilities needed in international job markets, working in multicultural environments and solving global challenges.

Master’s programmes in the School of Electrical Engineering are taught in English and open for both Finnish and international applicants holding a bachelor’s degree. The English-taught programmes provide excellent conditions for international student exchange and cooperation in the field of education.

The School develops and carries out international joint (master’s) programmes and other educational cooperation with strategically important partner institutions, such as the Nordic Five Tech network universities and other institutions esteemed in their respective field. Preparing and implementing an international joint programme requires resources and long-term commitment, so enough time should be reserved for planning the programme. Joint programmes are established with careful consideration (decision by vice president, please see the attachment below).  

The School of Electrical Engineering has established numerous international student exchange agreements. The agreements provide the School’s students opportunities to spend a semester or an academic year in a university abroad. In turn, students from the international partner universities can apply to Aalto University for a fixed period of time. The guiding principles in student exchange agreements are mutual well-functioning cooperation, profound knowledge of the partner university and ensuring that our students have extensive opportunities for studying in various language areas and cultural regions. The exchange partner universities are listed in Into. Student exchange is coordinated in the School of Electrical Engineering Learning Services. Advice for those interested in student exchange and other internationalisation opportunities is given in Into.

Further information and support: Anita Bisi, International Relations Manager

School of Electrical Engineering Learning Services
Aalto University, Unto Rautio photo

Internationalisation of teaching and learning

Promoting international teaching and studying is a central element in Aalto University strategy.

Students at Aalto University

International Joint Programmes

One tool for internationalisation of teaching and learning is development of joint programmes together with international partner universities.

Erasmus logo

Erasmus programme

Promoting international teaching and studying is a central element in Aalto University strategy. Through Erasmus you can go on student or teacher exchange. It also enables staff mobility for training and for teaching.

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School of Electrical Engineering

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