
Installing Microsoft Teams Progressive Web App (PWA) for Linux computers

From December 2022 onwards, Microsoft Teams Progressive Web App (PWA) is the recommended Teams version for Linux (Aalto Ubuntu). On this page you can find instructions for installing PWA.

Microsoft Teams PWA can be installed on Chromium-based browsers such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome (Mozilla Firefox is not currently supported).
PC on a desk with coffee mug next to it
Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Installation instructions for Edge users

  1. Open Edge and go to
  2. Login using your Aalto University email address
  3. After successful login an icon should appear to the right-hand side of the address bar that allows you to install the PWA.

    NB! There may be some delay before the icon appears in the address bar. If you have already installed the PWA the icon no longer appears.

  4. Click the icon and allow installation of Microsoft Teams Progressive Web App
  5. PWA-shortcut is installed to your home directory "~/.local/share/applications/msedge-*-Default.desktop". Shortcut is displayed in the application menu.
Microsoft Teams PWA when installing to Edge browser

Installation instructions for Chrome users

  1. Open Chrome and go to
  2. Login using your Aalto-email
  3. After successful login an icon should appear to the right-hand side of the address bar that allows you to install the PWA.

    NB! There may be some delay before the icon appears in the address bar. If you have already installed the PWA the icon no longer appears.

  4. Click the icon and allow installation of Microsoft Teams Progressive Web App.
  5. PWA-shortcut is installed to your home directory "~/.local/share/applications/chrome-*-Default.desktop". Shortcut is displayed in the application menu. 
Installing Microsoft Teams Progressive Web App (PWA) for Chrome browser

More information on Microsoft Teams

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a convenient collaboration tool for all people of Aalto.


Microsoft Teams: Quick guide

Microsoft Teams is an Aalto Office 365 application, and it enables efficient teamwork. Teams is available to all employees and students at Aalto University. It suits well for e.g. projects, student groups, and service teams.

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