
AaltoAPUA helpline 050 4646462

The AaltoAPUA number can be contacted whenever in need of assistance, but in emergency call 112.

The AaltoAPUA number can be contacted whenever in need of assistance. But in emergency situations, call 112.

  • 050 46 46 462 domestic calls
  • +358 50 46 46 462 from abroad

The helpline is open 24/7 year-round and provides assistance in both Finnish and English. AaltoAPUA is intended for non-ermergencies and can be used by anyone working at the university.

The helpline will pass on your request for assistance to the correct people or organisation:

  • the university service unit in question,
  • property maintenance company,
  • guards, etc.

Call the operator (Elisa) and AaltoAPUA if your phone is missing or stolen. 

When calling the helpline, please

  • state your name,
  • give your location,
  • give your unit’s or your supervisor’s name,
  • give a clear explanation of why you are calling,
  • do not hang up the call until you are directed to do so.

Please note that the helpline is not a replacement for Finland’s national emergency number 112. In case of emergency (fire, sudden bouts of illness, etc.) contact the national emergency number 112!

This service is provided by:

Aalto University Security and Lobby Services

Kampuksen turvallisuudesta vastaa Aalto-yliopiston turvallisuus- ja aulapalvelut yhteistyössä Aalto CRE:n kanssa.
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