Research & Art

Research Council of Finland Flagship programme funding

A flagship is an effective mix of cutting-edge research, impact in support of economic growth or society, close connections to the business sector and society at large, adaptability, and a strong commitment from host organisations. Flagships are high-quality, high-impact competence clusters.

We coordinate the following flagships:

Finnceres kehittää uusia biomateriaaleja

Professor Monika Österberg: FinnCERES - Competence Center for the Materials Bioeconomy. 

FinnCERES, jointly formed by Aalto University and VTT, wants to uncover answers to the most fundamental questions about lignocellulose disassembly and re-assembly and to create new, cost-competitive, bio-based materials that are expected to address the main challenges of our century, including resource sufficiency and climate change.

Ohjelmointia tekoälyllä

Professor Samuel Kaski: FCAI - Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence

Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI is a community of experts in artificial intelligence in Finland, initiated by Aalto University, University of Helsinki, and VTT.  FCAI's goal is to create a new type of AI, which is able to operate with humans in the complex world, and to renew the Finnish industry with this new AI.

Säihkyvä, metallista valmistettu kryostaatti on laite, jolla jäähdytetään kvanttipiirejä lähes absoluuttiseen nollapisteeseen.

Professor Peter Liljeroth: FQF - Finnish Quantum Flagship

Finnish Quantum Flagship (FQF) brings together leading quantum experts in physics, computational science, mathematics, nano science and -technology, and economics. The flagship merges research in quantum materials, devices, and information, with leading expertise in applications, technology transfer, and market sociology

FQF is coordinated by Aalto University and other host organizations are VTT, University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, Tampere University, University of Oulu, and CSC-IT Centre for Science.

We are partner in the following flagships:

  • Professor Tanja Tarvainen, University of Eastern Finland. Aalto University’s responsible professor Nuutti Hyvönen. FAME - Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling  
  • Academy Professor Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, University of Eastern Finland. Aalto University’s responsible professor Olli Ikkala. GeneCellNano - Gene, Cell and Nano Therapy Competence Cluster for the Treatment of Chronic Diseases.
  • Professor Bjørn Kløve, University of Oulu. Aalto University’s responsible professor Eliisa Lotsari. DIWA - Digital Waters Flagship 
  • Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, University of Jyväskylä. Aalto University’s responsible professor Matti Sarvimäki. EDUCA - Education for Future 
  • Professor Goëry Genty, Tampere University. Aalto University’s responsible professor Zhipei Sun. PREIN -  Photonics Research and Innovation.
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