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Student Guide
Bachelor's Programme in Economics
Programme main page
Curriculum 2024–2026
About the programme
During the programme studies, students acquire specific knowledge and skills related to economic and social sciences, including business and management. They develop skills in making judgments autonomously and analyzing complex problems using relevant analytic and quantitative tools. They take into account sustainability and ethical issues in analyzing economic problems. They improve their written and oral communication, and acquire lifelong learning skills useful for both continuing their studies and their professional futures.
Knowledge and Understanding
Upon completing the study programme, the students will have acquired knowledge related to:
- analyzing the behavior of economic actors; the functioning of various markets; policy responses to market imperfections; macroeconomic phenomena, national and international institutions, and public finance
- quantitative methods (mathematical, statistical and programming) for the understanding of socioeconomic phenomena
- fundamentals of business and management
- minor subjects chosen by the student
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Upon completing the study programme, the students will be able to:
- analyze and assess micro and macroeconomic issues and data, paying attention to the underlying causal relationships between relevant economic variables and formulating analytical models in order to understand economic phenomena
- apply mathematical, statistical and programming techniques in order to thoroughly investigate causal relationships related to economic and other social phenomena
- understand the cultural, social and psychological underpinnings
Knowledge and skills needed for scientific thinking
Upon completing the programme, the students will:
- be able to think scientifically and appreciate the power of economics methodology
- understand the limitations of economics methodology
- acquire the knowledge and skills required for a master’s degree and for continuous learning
Communication and language skills
By graduation, the students will:
- have good oral and written communication skills in English
- demonstrate good communication skills in both national languages, Finnish and Swedish (required of those who have finished their upper secondary education in Finnish or Swedish, if a Finnish citizen, or who have sufficient knowledge of Finnish); or basic knowledge of the Finnish language and culture (required of those who do not fulfill the criteria mentioned above)
- have business communication skills and the ability to work in different types of international teams
Ethics and sustainability
By graduation, the students will be able to:
- identify and analyze ethical, social, economic, environmental, and international issues in the field of economics
Degree structure
Basic studies | 51 ECTS |
Major studies
52–54 ECTS |
Business studies | 18 ECTS |
Minor studies | 24–30 ECTS |
Language and communication studies | 11 ECTS |
Electives | 16–24 ECTS |
Total | 180 ECTS |
Basic studies 51 ECTS
Code: BIZ309
Scope: 51 ECTS
Programme director: Matti Sarvimäki
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
ECON-A1000 | Introduction Course for Bachelor's students | 1 | I–III |
Principles of Economics | |||
ECON-A2100 | Principles of Economics I | 6 | I |
ECON-A2200 | Principles of Economics II | 6 | II |
ECON-A3000 | Principles of Empirical Analysis | 6 | III |
ECON-A4000 | Economics of Global challenges | 6 | IV |
Quantitative Methods | |||
MS-A0111 MS-A0102 |
Differential and integral calculus 1 or Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 1 |
5 5 |
I II |
MS-A0011 MS-A0002 |
Matrix algebra or Matriisilaskenta |
5 5 |
MS-A0503 MS-A0502 |
First course in probability and statistics or Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi |
5 5 |
CS-A1113 CS-A1110 |
Basics in Programming Y1 or Programming I / Ohjelmointi I |
5 5 |
ECON-C1100 | Mathematics for Economists | 6 | I–II 1 |
1 Mathematics for Economists is completed during the second year of studies.
Major studies 52–54 ECTS
Code: BIZ3190
Scope: 52–54 ECTS
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
ECON-C2110 | Intermediate Microeconomics I | 5 | I |
ECON-C2210 | Intermediate Microeconomics II | 5 | II |
ECON-C3110 | Intermediate Macroeconomics I | 5 | III |
ECON-C3210 | Intermediate Macroeconomics II | 5 | IV |
ECON-C4110 | Econometrics I | 5 | III |
ECON-C4210 | Econometrics II 1 | 5 | IV |
BIZ-A2201 | Scientific thinking and writing, Economics 2 | 2 | I–II, III–IV |
BIZ3190.kand | Bachelor’s thesis and seminar | 10 | I–II, III–IV, summer |
ECON.bscmatr | Maturity test | 0 | I–II, III–IV, summer |
Choose 10–12 ECTS of the following coursesStudents can also complete bachelor level courses of economics offered by Hanken School of Economics and University of Helsinki within the Helsinki GSE cooperation. |
Aalto University | |||
ECON-CV002 | Blockchain Economics | 6 | II (24-25) |
ECON-C5100 | Digital markets | 6 | I |
ECON-C1300 | Environmental Economics and Policy | 6 | IV |
ECON-C5000 | Game Theory | 6 | III |
ECON-C1900 | Mathematical Methods for Economics Research: Optimization | 6 | IV |
31C00800 | Personnel Economics | 6 | V |
31C00900 | Raha- ja pankkiteoria (in Finnish) | 6 | V |
ECON-CV001 | Talouspolitiikka Suomessa ja euroalueella (in Finnish) | 5 | IV |
SPT-E4050 | Transport Economics | 5 | III |
31C02100 | Urban economics | 6 | III |
Hanken School of Economics 2024-2025 | |||
26030 | Causal inference and data analytics | 5 | III |
26085 | Economics of Organisation and Information | 5 | III |
2646 | Economics of Strategy | 5 | III |
University of Helsinki 2024-2025 | |||
YET-208 | Ympäristötaloustieteen jatkokurssi | 5 | I |
YET-209 | Luonnonvarataloustieteen jatkokurssi | 5 | II |
YET-217 | Metsien käytön ja suojelun taloudelliset mallit | 5 | III |
ECOK-255 | TA5 Ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä makrotaloudessa | 4 | III |
ECOK-260 | TA5 Economics of the EU | 5 | III |
ECOK-259 | TA5 International trade | 5 | I |
ECOK-272 | TA5 Investment Management | 5 | II |
ECOK-262 | TA5 Julkinen talous | 5 | I |
ECOK-252 | TA5 Käyttäytymistaloustiede | 5 | II |
ECOK-261 | TA5 Kansainvälinen makrotalous | 5 | II |
ECOK-250 | TA5 Suomen talouselämän ja maailmantalouden esittely | 5 | II |
ECOK-264 | TA5 Työn taloustiede | 5 | IV |
1 Capstone course
2 Scientific thinking and writing course should be completed either before or at the same with the Bachelor’s thesis and seminar.
Bachelor level Economics courses in University of Helsinki and Hanken School of Economics
Within the Helsinki GSE cooperation the students can also complete bachelor level courses of economics offered by the University of Helsinki and Hanken School of Economics.
To take courses at the other two universities, you must fill in a study right application form here.
Please note that the teaching periods in Hanken and the University of Helsinki might differ from the teaching periods in Aalto. More information here.
Business studies 18 ECTS
You can choose any bachelor level courses (except courses in Economics) from the School of Business. Please note that some courses might have prerequisites. If you need help in choosing the business courses, please contact the planning officer of your programme.
You can browse the course offer for business studies at business studies and elective studies can also be used to form a second minor from the School of Business.
Examples of business studies
Accounting / Laskentatoimi
Information and Service Management
Management / Johtaminen
Marketing / Markkinointi
Yritysjuridiikka (Business Law, only in Finnish)
Minor studies 24–30 ECTS
The minor study module of the Bachelor’s degree is 24–30 ECTS and can be one of the following:
- Minor from Aalto University
- All minors in Aalto University are found in the minor study quide in Minors 2024-2026. You can filter minors target group, level, theme and language of instruction.
- Bachelor level minors offered at the school of Business (confirmed in the curriculum 2024-2026):
- Accounting
- Finance
- Information and Service Management
- Information Technology Programme (ITP)
- International Business (Mikkeli Campus)
- Management / Johtaminen
- Marketing / Markkinointi
- Multilingual Business Communication / Monikielisen yritysviestinnän sivuaine
- Yritysjuridiikka (Business law, in Finnish)
- International studies minor (exchange)
- Students can complete an exchange module in an official exchange programme partner of the School of Business or in another programme meeting the requirements set in the official exchange programme policy of the School of Business. Exchange studies
- Minor from another university in Finland
- Degree students at Aalto University have the possibility to study at another Finnish university. The Flexible Study Rights Agreement (JOO) is a national agreement between universities, which provides students of Finnish universities the opportunity to include courses from other universities into their degrees. Studies in another Finnish university
Language and communication studies 11 ECTS
According to the Government Decree on University Degrees, it is mandatory to demonstrate proficiency in both national languages, meaning Finnish and Swedish, in a higher education degree in Finland. The proficiency in your language of education (koulusivistyskieli) is demonstrated with the maturity test written with the bachelor's thesis and the proficiency in the second national language is demonstrated by passing the written and oral tests.
If your language of education is Finnish, the other national language is Swedish. If your language of education is Swedish, the other national language is Finnish. Read more about how the language of education is determined here. You can also get an exemption from the language requirements, read more about it under During your studies > Applications.
Language requirement tests in Swedish for students whose language of education is Finnish
Students whose language of education is Finnish must take part in the oral and writing parts of the national language requirement tests in Swedish. This is to show they have achieved the language skills required by legislation.
Start your studies in Swedish by completing ruotsin lähtötasotesti (pre-test of Swedish skills), which recommends a suitable preparatory course for you or in some cases suggests taking the tests directly. You can find the test here.
Compulsory language requirement tests
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-5001 | National Language Requirement (Swedish) Writing Test | 1 | I, II, III, IV, V |
LC-5002 | National Language Requirement (Swedish) Oral Test | 1 | I, II, III, IV, V |
Swedish courses preparing for the language requirement tests
Courses that prepare students for the language requirement tests cannot be included in the language and communication studies module, instead they must be placed under elective studies in the personal study plan.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LCB-5800 | Swedish Business Communication 1 | 3 | I, II, III, IV, V |
LCB-5803 | Foundations of Swedish Business Communication | 4 | I-II, III-IV, IV-V |
LC-5819 | Self-study Preparatory Course for the National Language Test in Swedish | 2 | 2024–2026: no teaching |
Language requirement tests in Finnish for students whose language of education is Swedish
Students whose language of education is Swedish must take part in the oral and writing parts of the national language requirement tests in Swedish. This is to show they have achieved the language skills required by legislation.
You can find more information of Finnish language tests and preparatory courses in the language centre page: Finska som andra och främmande språk.
Compulsory language requirement tests
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-7001 | National Language Requirement (Finnish) Writing Test | 1 | I, II, III, IV, V |
LC-7002 | National Language Requirement (Finnish) Oral Test | 1 | I, II, III, IV, V |
According to the Government Decree on University Degrees, it is mandatory to demonstrate proficiency in at least one foreign language. Language proficiency must enable monitoring progress in your own field and operating in an international setting. All students demonstrate this proficiency with the mandatory course in English Business Communication MNGT-A4004 Mastering influence in business communication.
Compulsory course
Course registration occurs simultaneously for many teaching periods, please check the registration times in Sisu. Second year Bachelor students will also receive an email about registration instructions in the summer.
The C1 starting level of the course means the course fulfils the language requirement for exchange studies.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
MNGT-A4004 | Mastering influence in business communication | 6 | I, II, III, IV |
The bachelor's degree includes 3 credits of elective language studies which can be completed either by supplementing the language studies of the degree in English and the other national language of Finland, or by completing 3 credits in another foreign language.
Elective language studies are chosen based on your own interest, starting level and goals. The elective language course can be:
- English Business Communication course offered by the School of Business (see the heading English Business Communication)
- course in one of the national languages (Finnish course for students whose language of education is not Finnish or Swedish, or Swedish course for students whose language of education is not Swedish; see the heading Finnish and Swedish)
- language course in one of the elective languages offered by the Language Centre (each language has its own heading below)
- language course taken at another university for example due to a flexible JOO study right.
Note that the following types of courses are not eligible to be placed into the language and communication studies module:
- courses in your own language of education (such as LC-5000 Kommunicera som expert for students whose language of education is Swedish)
- courses that prepare students for the national language requirement tests
- courses in Intercultural Communication or other courses that the Language Centre offers but that are not language courses (such as courses focusing on learning about other countries and their cultures).
Starting level
When describing the starting level of language courses, the European framework (CEFR = Common European Framework of Reference) levels of language proficience A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2 are used. A level is for the basic level of language studies, B level is a more advanced language proficiency and C level is the most proficient level of language knowledge.
The starting level of a language course is mentioned in the course description in the field CEFR level.
Finnish for International Students
Proficiency in Finnish is a key to understanding and enjoying Finnish culture and society. In many workplaces Finnish is an important language although the official working language of many international Finnish companies is English. Proficiency in Finnish is often a central factor in recruitment, career advancement and success in working life. In addition, knowledge in a rare language such as Finnish may be an advantage in international working life.
If you have been granted an exemption from the national language requirement tests, we recommend the following Finnish courses in place of the tests. They are also eligible as elective language studies if your language of education is not Finnish or Swedish.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-7003 | Survival Finnish Online | 1 | 2024–2025: I, II 2025–2026: V |
LC-7004 | Survival Finnish 1 | 1 | 2024–2025: I 2025–2026: I, III |
LC-7006 | Survival Finnish 2 Online | 1 | II–IV |
LC-7005 | Survival Finnish 2 | 1 | 2024–2025: II 2025–2026: II, IV |
LC-7210 | Finnish 1 | 3 | 2024–2025: I, I–II, II 2025–2026: I, I–II, II, III, III–IV |
LC-7323 | Finnish Conversation 1 | 1 | V |
LC-7220 | Finnish 2 | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II, II 2025–2026: III, III–IV |
LC-7230 | Finnish 3 | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II 2025–2026: III–IV, IV–V, V |
LC-7324 | Finnish Conversation 2 | 1 | 2024–2025: II 2025–2026: V |
LC-7240 | Finnish 4 | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II 2025–2026: I–II, III–IV |
LC-7250 | Finnish 5 | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II, III–IV 2025–2026: I–II |
LC-7326 | Finnish Conversation 3 | 1 | V |
LC-7260 | Finnish 6 | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II, III–IV 2025–2026: I–II |
LC-7270 | Finnish 7 | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II 2025–2026: I–II, III–IV |
LC-7271 | Finnish for Work | 3 | I–II |
LC-7280 | Finnish 8 | 3 | III–IV |
LC-7290 | Finnish for Specific Fields | 3 | IV–V |
More information about studying Finnish here
Swedish courses for international students
If you have been granted an exemption from the national language requirement tests, we recommend the following Swedish courses in place of the tests. They are also eligible as elective language studies if your language of education is not Finnish or Swedish.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-5771 | Swedish for International Students 1A | 3 | I, III |
LC-5772 | Swedish for International Students 1B | 3 | II, IV |
5623-2A | Swedish as a Foreign Language 2A * | 2 | |
5623-2 | Swedish as a Foreign Language 2B * | 2 | |
5623-2C | Swedish as a Foreign Language 2C * | 1 |
* Provided by Hanken School of Economics, see more information about the course here.
Swedish courses for students with previous knowledge
The following courses can be part of the language and communication studies module as elective language studies for students whose language of education is not Swedish (CEFR starting level B2-C1).
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-5007 | Practice Your Knowledge in Nordic Countries in Swedish | 3 | II |
LC-5008 | Practice Field-Specific Communication in Swedish | 3 | II, IV |
LC-5005 | Practice Working Life Communication in Swedish | 3 | III |
LC-5006 | Practice Oral Skills in Swedish | 3 | IV |
LC-5000 | Kommunicera som expert * | 3–5 | III, I–V |
* Kursen är avsedd för studerande med svenska som modersmål/skolbildningsspråk. Kursen är även lämplig för tvåspråkiga studerande (finska och svenska) samt övriga studerande med mycket goda kunskaper i svenska.
Department of Management studies at the School of Business arranges the compulsory course MNGT-A4004 Mastering influence in business communication as well as an elective course in English Business Communication.
The mandatory course must be completed first before taking the elective course. This is the only English course that can be completed as an elective language course.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
MNGT-C4001 | Management Communication | 3 | III, IV, V |
Spanish is the official language of 19 countries, and around 400 million people speak it as their native language. It is also the official language for several international organisations, among others the UN. Spanish-speaking countries are a huge market and economic area that is becoming more and more interesting to Finnish companies. Anyone doing business in Spain and Latin America will benefit greatly from the knowledge of the language and culture.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-2310 | Spanish 1 | 3 | I, II, III, IV |
LC-2311 | Spanish 1 - Online Course | 2 | III |
LC-2320 | Spanish 2 | 3 | I, II, III, IV, V |
LC-2321 | Spanish 2 - Online Course | 2 | IV |
LC-2330 | Spanish 3 | 3 | I, II, III, IV |
LC-2340 | Spanish 4 | 3 | II, III, IV |
LC-2350 | Spanish 5 (o, w) | 3 | I, III |
LC-2360 | Spanish 6 (o,w) | 3 | II |
LC-2371 | Spanish 7a (o,w) | 3 | III |
LC-2372 | Spanish 7b (o, w) | 3 | 2024–2025: no teaching 2025–2026: IV |
LC-2373 | Spanish 7c (o, w) | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II 2025–2026: no teaching |
LC-2380 | Spanish 8 (o,w) | 3 | 2024–2025: IV 2025–2026: no teaching |
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC‐3310 | Japanese 1 | 3 | I–II, III–IV |
LC-3320 | Japanese 2 | 3 | I–II, III–IV |
LC-3330 | Japanese 3 | 3 | I–II, III–IV |
LC-3340 | Japanese 4 | 3 | III–IV |
LC-3350 | Japanese 5 | 3 | I–II |
China is a key market for Finnish business, and Chinese businesses are continually expanding their operations in Finland. Leading companies of different fields are looking to recruit employees with knowledge of Chinese language and culture. Persons with proficiency in Chinese have good opportunities for doing business in China.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-9010 LC-9001 |
Chinese 1 (3 ECTS) and The basics of Chinese writing and the history of characters (2 ECTS) |
5 |
LC-9022 | Chinese 2 | 4 | III–IV, V |
LC-9030 | Chinese 3 | 3 | I–II |
LC-9044 | Chinese 4 | 4 | III–IV |
LC-9055 | Chinese 5 | 4 | I–II |
LC-9066 | Chinese 6 | 3 | III–IV |
LC-9077 | Chinese 7 Speaking and Writing in the Workplace (o,w) | 3 | I–II |
A Chinese character course cannot be included in the language studies module without an accompanying Chinese language course.
Portuguese is among the most spoken languages in the world. Spoken in Portugal and Brazil as well as many African countries, Portuguese has over 200 million speakers worldwide. Brazil is increasingly important for Finland as market region, and in business, having a knowledge of the language and culture is a great asset.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-3110 | Portuguese 1 | 3 | I, IV |
LC-3120 | Portuguese 2 | 3 | II |
LC-3130 | Portuguese 3 | 3 | III |
LC-3140 | Portuguese 4 | 3 | 2024–2026: no teaching |
A good knowledge of French is in demand in many areas of business due to the French market opening to Finnish companies via language skills and knowledge of customs and the country. Many large corporations and international institutions have their headquarters in Paris. The French language is important in the United Nations where third of the speeches are held in French. The Council of Europe is located in Strasbourg. Along English, French is the first official working language in the European Union. By studying French, you can conveniently learn also widely used scientific and other terms based on Latin.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-4310 | French 1 | 3 | I, II, III, IV, V |
LC-4320 | French 2 | 3 | II, III, IV, V |
LC-4321 | Online French - Prononciation française | 3 | I–V |
LC-4330 | French 3 | 3 | I, III, V |
LC-4340 | French 4 | 3 | II, IV |
LC-4350 | French 5 (o, w) | 3 | III, V |
LC-4360 | French 6 (o, w) | 3 | I |
LC-4361 | Online French - Grammaire française | 3 | I–V |
LC-4371 | French 7a - Travailler ensemble (o, w) | 3 | I–II |
LC-4381 | French 8 – Communiquer et argumenter (o, w) | 3 | III |
The position of the German language in Europe is undeniable as it is the native language of around 100 million Europeans. In economic life, German is an important tool since Germany is one of Finland's biggest trading partners. The German courses at Aalto University offer versatile opportunities to study German and learn skills needed in operating in challenging international positions.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
LC-6310 | German 1 | 3 | 2024–2025: I, I–II, II, III, IV, V 2025–2026: I, I–II, II, III, V |
LC-6320 | German 2 | 3 | 2024–2025: I, I–II, II, III–IV 2025–2026: I–II, III, III–IV, IV |
LC-6330 | German 3 | 3 | I, II, III–IV, IV |
LC-6340 | German 4 | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II, II, III–IV 2025–2026: I–II, III–IV |
LC-6341 | German Grammar 1 | 2 | I–II, III–V |
LC-6350 | German 5 (o, w) | 3 | 2024–2025: I, III, III–IV 2025–2026: I, III–IV |
LC-6351 | German Grammar 2 | 2 | 2024–2025: I–II, III–V 2025–2026: I–II |
LC-6360 | German 6 (o, w) | 3 | II, III–IV |
LC-6371 | German 7a (o,w) | 3–6 | 2024–2025: I–II 2025–2026: no teaching |
LC-6372 | German 7b (o, w) | 3 | III–IV |
LC-6373 | German 8 (o, w) | 3 | 2024–2026: no teaching |
Russian skills and knowledge have a special significance in Finland. Russia is one of Finland's most significant trading partners, and the intercommunication between the two countries is lively also in several other areas. Especially staff in exporting companies are expected to have a good knowledge of the Russian language and environment. Russian is also suitable for those who are seeking international positions because business degree holders with Russian skills are also in demand outside of Finland. Russian is commonly spoken also in many other Eastern European countries, and it is one of the official language of the UN. Students also have the opportunity to specialize in Russian economy.
Master's School in Russian and East European Studies
Aalto University is one of 12 Finnish universities participating in the Master’s School in Russian and East European Studies (ExpREES), a specialisation programme of advanced studies for a master's degree. Through ExpREES you can add special expertise to your major in your own area and in related disciplines. The application period is generally in March. Further information here.
Russian as a native language
Students with Russian as their native language or an equivalent knowledge in Russian can include courses LC-8591 Russian 9 Russian Business Communication for Native Speakers A and LC-8592 Venäjä 9 Russian Business Communication for Native Speakers B in their degree. They can't take courses meant for students with Russian as a foreign language. Native language Russian courses are usually taught every two academic years. Taking part in the courses requires at least a satisfactory knowledge of Finnish.
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
Russian as a foreign language |
LC-8511 | Russian 1 | 3 | I, II–III, III, V |
LC-8522 | Russian 2 | 3 | II, IV |
LC-8533 | Russian 3 | 3 | I, III |
LC-8544 | Russian 4 | 3 | II, IV |
LC-8555 | Russian (o, w) | 3 | I–II, III |
LC-8566 | Russian 6 (o, w) | 3 | IV |
LC-8577 | Russian 7 (o, w) | 3 | 2024–2025: I–II 2025–2026: I |
LC-8581 | Russian 8 Russian Business Communication A (o,w) | 3 | 2024–2025: no teaching 2025–2026: II |
LC-8582 | Russian 8 Russian Business Communication B (o,w) | 3 | 2024–2025: no teaching 2025–2026: IV |
LC-8583 | Russian for a Specific Field (o,w) (V) | 3 | 2024–2026: no teaching |
Russian as a native language |
LC-8591 | Russian 9 Russian Business Communication for Native Speakers A (o, w) | 3 | 2024–2025: III 2025–2026: no teaching |
LC-8592 | Russian 9 Russian Business Communication for Native Speakers B (o, w) | 3 | 2024–2025: IV 2025–2026: no teaching |
- Language center offers the minor Multilingual Business Communication (24 cr) that can be included in either a BSc or MSc level degree.
- Language and comminication studies can be included in the degree electives. All Language Center courses are accepted there. Aalto School of Business students also have the opportunity to apply for other universities' or universities of applied sciences' language courses using the JOO flexible study right.
Elective studies 16–21 ECTS
The Bachelor's programme in Economics includes 16–21 ECTS credits of electives. You can choose elective studies to your Bachelor's degree so that the extent of the degree (180 ECTS) is fulfilled. You can exceed the extent of the degree by one course maximum.
The elective studies can consist of for example:
- multidisciplinary studies:
- courses in the field of technology or art
- University Wide Studies
- additional studies in the degree programme
- additional studies in the minor study module
- courses from other programmes
- language and communication studies
- internship (3 ECTS or 6 ECTS)
- Personal Impact courses
Elective studies can include basic, intermediate or advanced level courses.
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