Student Guide
Aalto Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture
Programme main page
Curriculum 2022-2024
The curriculum 2022-2024 applies to students who have started their studies after 1.8.2022.
Degree structure for the Aalto doctoral programme in Arts, Design and Architecture
General research studies | 15-25 ECTS |
Research field studies | 15-25 ECTS |
Doctoral thesis | (no credits given) |
total 40 ECTS |
General research studies prepare students for research work, the application of research results, the dissemination of research findings and to learn the principles of responsible conduct of research. General research studies can include transferrable skill studies.
Research field studies and doctoral thesis help students to gain comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of their research field. Doctoral studies can include studies from several Aalto doctoral programmes when agreed on in the doctoral personal study plan of the student (DPSP).
Learning outcomes
- knowledge of the general theory of science and the arts
- general knowledge of research methods
- academic writing skills, communication skills, information literacy
- good argumentation skills, competence to present one’s own research, and to address ethical questions relating to research.
- transferable work life and career skills, pedagogical studies
Suggested ways to complete the module
- Primarily courses offered by the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the Aalto University Language Centre
- Also, courses offered by other Aalto Schools or other universities
- Also, individual study attainments in the form of:
- conference paper/presentation
- teaching activities (university level)
- summer/winter school, research workshop/seminar
All individual studies need to be agreed with the supervising professor in advance.
Compulsory courses
ARTS-L0100 Introduction to Doctoral Studies, 1-2 ECTS (1 ECTS compulsory component)
ARTS-L0102 Doing Research, 6 ECTS
LC-L1010 Research Ethics for Doctoral Students, 1-2 ECTS (1 ECTS online component of the course is compulsory, 1 ECTS workshop days are recommended)
General courses, methods and methodology
ARTS-L0110 Research through Art and Design, 2-4 ECTS
ARTS-L0111 Methods of Qualitative Research, 6 ECTS
AXM-L1006 Artistic and Art-Based Research, 4 ECTS
Philosophy and theory
AXM-L1001 Contemporary Theories for Art Research, 4 ECTS
ARTS-L0112 Philosophy of Science, 6 ECTS
ARTS-L0606 Knowing Aesthetics, 6 ECTS
ARTS-A0623 Global Perspectives: Re-mapping the History of Art, 3 ECTS
ARTS-E0711 Sculpture Now!, 6 ECTS
Research writing, presentation skills
LC-1331 Presenting Doctoral Research, 3 ECTS
LC-1335 Preparing for the Doctoral Defence, 1 ECTS
LC-1336 Popularize your Research LCA-1050, 2 ECTS
LCA-1050 Writing Doctoral Research for Arts, 3 ECTS
LC-L1017 Asiantuntijaesittämisen valmennus jatko-opiskelijoille, 3 ECTS
LC-L1018 Tutkimusraportoinnin tekstiretriitit jatko-opiskelijoille, 3 ECTS
ELO-L1001 Artistic research writing, 3-6 ECTS
Learning outcomes
- field specific knowledge of the theory, history and methods
- field specific argumentation and communication skills
- required skills and knowledge to conduct research in the doctoral student’s specific research topic
Suggested ways to complete the module
- Department’s / research field’s doctoral seminar (compulsory)
- Courses offered by the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
- Courses offered by other Aalto Schools or other universities
- Individual study attainments in the form of:
- conference paper/presentation
- publication or art/design production not included in the doctoral thesis
- literature review / report on literature package
- teaching activities (university level)
- Bachelor’s / Master’s thesis advising
- reflective report on art/creative practices related to the thesis topic
- summer/winter school, research workshop/seminar
All individual studies need to be agreed with the supervising professor in advance.
Department’s / Research field’s doctoral seminar, min. 3 ECTS
If the doctoral student would like to participate to some other doctoral seminar instead or would like to propose some other arrangement, this needs to be approved by the supervising professor.
Seminars usually meet approximately once a month. Doctoral students present their own research projects as well as discuss field specific theories and literature. Seminars teach academic reading, writing and discussion.
ARK-L9010 Department of Architecture Doctoral Seminar A, 3 ECTS (compulsory)
ARK-L9011 Department of Architecture Doctoral Seminar B, 3 ECTS
ARK-L9012 Department of Architecture Doctoral Seminar C, 3 ECTS
ARK-L9013 Department of Architecture Doctoral Seminar D, 3 ECTS
AXM-L9010 New Media Doctoral Seminar A, 3-6 ECTS (compulsory)
AXM-L9011 New Media Doctoral Seminar B, 3-6 ECTS
AXM-L9014 Photography Doctoral Seminar A, 3-6 ECTS (compulsory)
AXM-L9015 Photography Doctoral Seminar B, 3-6 ECTS
AXM-L9018 Visual Communication Design Doctoral Seminar A, 3-6 ECTS (compulsory)
AXM-L9019 Visual Communication Design Doctoral Seminar B, 3-6 ECTS
AXM-L9020 Contemporary Art Doctoral Seminar A, 3 ECTS (compulsory)
AXM-L9021 Contemporary Art Doctoral Seminar B, 3 ECTS
AXM-L9022 Contemporary Art Doctoral Seminar C, 3 ECTS
AXM-L9023 Contemporary Art Doctoral Seminar D, 3 ECTS
AXM-L9024 Visual Culture Doctoral Seminar A, 3-6 ECTS (compulsory)
AXM-L9025 Visual Culture Doctoral Seminar B, 3-6 ECTS
AXM-L9026 Art Education Doctoral Seminar A, 3 ECTS (compulsory)
AXM-L9027 Art Education Doctoral Seminar B, 3 ECTS
ELO-L9010 Film and Television Doctoral Seminar A, 3-6 ECTS (compulsory)
ELO-L9011 Film and Television Doctoral Seminar B, 3-6 ECTS
ELO-L9012 Film and Television Doctoral Seminar C, 3-6 ECTS
ELO-L9013 Film and Television Doctoral Seminar D, 3-6 ECTS
ELO-L9014 Scenography and Costume Design Doctoral Seminar, A, 3-6 ECTS (compulsory)
ELO-L9015 Scenography and Costume Design Doctoral Seminar, B, 3-6 ECTS
ELO-L9016 Scenography and Costume Design Doctoral Seminar, C, 3-6 ECTS
ELO-L9017 Scenography and Costume Design Doctoral Seminar, D, 3-6 ECTS
MUO-L9010 Department of Design Doctoral Seminar A, 3 ECTS (compulsory)
Optional doctoral courses
ARK-L5003 Planning Theory, 6 ECTS
ARK-L5004 Urban Studies, 6 ECTS
AXM-L1000 Department of Media Doctoral School, 2-6 ECTS
ELO-L1001 Artistic research writing, 3-6 ECTS
ELO-L1004 Art-Practice-led and artistic research methodologies in film, scenography & costume, 3-6 ECTS
MUO-L0010 Department of Design Thematic Research Seminar, 3 ECTS
MUO-L1001 Positioning in the Fields and Practices of Design Research, 2 ECTS
MUO-L1002 Analysing Doctoral Theses in Design, 2 ECTS
AXM-L1001 Contemporary Theories for Art Research, 4 ECTS AXM-L1002 Art, environment and activism, 3 ECTS
AXM-L1003 Curating and its Futures, 6 ECTS
AXM-L1004 Perspectives on Art Pedagogy, 6 ECTS
AXM-L1005 Research Assemblage, 3 ECTS
Optional master’s level courses which can be included in the doctoral degree
ARK-E1520 Introduction to Architectural Research 6 cr
ARK-E2520 Design of Structures Theory 3 cr
ARK-E4509 Housing Design – Research and Practice, 3cr
ELO-E6513 Costume and Research 6 cr
MAR-E1066 Maisema-arkkitehtuurin tutkimus 3cr
MUO-E1071 Sustainable Fashion and Textile Design 9-12cr
MUO-E3057 User Inspired Design - Knowing 6 cr
MUO-E3050 Design for Social Change - Co-Design 6 cr
MUO-E8047 Values in Design Futures 6 cr
It is recommended that the required 40 ECTS are completed by taking courses offered by Aalto University and possibly other universities, but it is also possible to include individual study attainments to the degree. All individual studies need to be agreed with the supervising professor in advance in the study plan of the student. Below is a list of possible individual study attainments, their scope and information on the study module in which they can be included. If the student wants to include studies exceeding the list or other type of individual study attainments, they must be confirmed by a separate process.
Type of individual study | Scope | Maximum ECTS to be included |
Conference paper / poster / presentation | 1-2 ECTS per conference | Max. 2 ECTS (GRS*) Max. 4 ECTS (RFS**) |
Publication or art/design production (not included in the doctoral thesis) | 1-2 ECTS per publication/production | Max. 6 ECTS (RFS) |
Literature review / report on literature package | 250-300 pages of research literature = 1-2 ECTS | Max. 10 ECTS (RFS) |
Teaching at a university, preparing a lecture or a series of lectures on history, theory or methods of the student’s own research field | to be defined by the supervising professor | Max. 3 ECTS (GRS/RFS) |
Bachelor’s / Master’s thesis advising | 1 ECTS per thesis | Max. 2 ECTS (RFS) |
Reflective report on art and creative practices related to the thesis topic | to be defined by the supervising professor | Max. 6 ECTS (RFS) |
Summer/winter schools, research workshops/seminars | 1-2 ECTS per event | Max. 2 ECTS (GRS) Max. 4 ECTS (RFS) |
*GRS: General research studies ** RFS: Research field studies
Learning outcomes
- have competence to carry out independent and original academic research / have the high competence to search for and apply knowledge, and most importantly, the ability to independently formulate research questions and use scientific research methods to create new scientific knowledge
- be able to make such syntheses and critical assessments as are required to solve and process complex problems in research and innovation and in other areas of society.
- In the field of art, they may also have the ability to independently create methods or products or performances that high standards of art and creative practice.
The doctoral thesis is written on a topic which is related to the student’s research field and which has been approved by the doctoral programme committee of the School. The thesis shall contribute to new scientific knowledge. The thesis includes a public defence after a pre-examination process.