Programme director's handbook

Programme self-evaluation and programme vision – TEE 2020

The target of the programme self-evaluation is to conduct a critical analysis of the status of the programme and to identify best practices and potential challenges in the programme. The programme self-evaluation is conducted during Jan-May 2020.
The self-evaluation is followed by a peer review between two programmes. Based on the results from the self-evaluation and peer review, the programme will write a short vision for the programme.
Aalto University, photo Unto Rautio

The outcome of the programme self-evaluation is a self-evaluation report in the form of a survey questionnaire. The survey contains several themes, and aims to follow the planning and management cycle of  a programme. The survey uses the webropol survey tool (see instructions attached).

The participants in the self-evaluation are chosen by the programme, always including also student representation.

Support for the evaluation

For the evaluation it is recommended that the programme uses available background data in the evaluation, e.g. the Online Reporting Tool for Programme Management, results from the AllWell?-survey, other relevant data such as TEK and SEFE surveys.
See also term definitions for learning objectives and learning outcomes in the self-evaluation questionnaire (see attachment).

Online reporting tool for programme management clinics

Support will be offered to use the Online reporting tool for programme management. More information about the use of the tool [email protected].

AllWell? study well-being survey

The evaluation uses also the data from the AllWell? study well-being survey. The AllWell? results have been sent to all programmes. It is important to understand that study wellbeing is an outcome of high quality teaching, supervising and well designed, functional curriculum. The AllWell? -survey measures the alignment of teaching, interest and relevance of teaching and feedback from teachers to students. The results indicate that these factors have a significant impact on the success as well as the wellbeing of students. For any further questions, please contact [email protected].

For a summary of AllWell?-survey, see the slides.

There’s also a short video about how to enhance study well-being (

Programme vision

The self-evaluation is followed by a peer review between two programmes. Based on the results from the self-evaluation and peer review, the programme will write a short vision for the programme. In the vision the programme can focus on lessons learned from the self- and peer evaluation and future foresight for development. There is a template for the programme vision (see attachment). The programme returns the vision in the webropol survey tool. The link to the survey is in the vision attachment. 

Numeric results of the self-evaluation

There is an online access to the results of the numeric questions of the degree programme self-evaluation of the Teaching and Learning Evaluation Exercise 2020 at Aalto University. The programme self-evaluation is organised into eight thematic sections. The sections have both open answer and numeric questions. There are altogether 79 questions in the self-evaluation. Of these 24 questions are numeric with an answer option on a scale of 1-4.

The results of the numeric questions give an overview and an introduction to the programme self-evaluation data. The results do not as such allow a more deep-going or comparative analysis. This would require the data from both the numeric and the  open answer questions of the self-evaluation.

The link to the online tool:

Schools' self-evaluation reports

TEE 2020 – Aalto ARTS self-evaluation reports

TEE 2020 programme self-evaluations reports are now available.

TEE 2020 – Aalto BIZ self-evaluation reports

TEE 2020 programme self-evaluations reports are now available.

TEE 2020 – Aalto CHEM self-evaluation reports

TEE 2020 programme self-evaluations reports are now available.

TEE 2020 – Aalto ELEC self-evaluation reports

TEE 2020 programme self-evaluations reports are now available.

TEE 2020 – Aalto ENG self-evaluation reports

TEE 2020 programme self-evaluations reports are now available.

TEE 2020 – Aalto SCI self-evaluation reports

TEE 2020 programme self-evaluations reports are now available.

A photo of Aalto University students discussing, photo by Aino Huovio

Teaching and learning evaluation exercise – TEE

The target of TEE 2020 is to identify needs for future development in education at Aalto, and make visible and evaluate the achievements during the 10 Aalto years.

Programme director's handbook
Students at the new BIZ building by Unto Rautio

Programme vision – TEE 2020

Based on the results from the self-evaluation and the peer review, the programmes have written a short vision for the programmes.

Programme director's handbook
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