Tomas Falk

E702 Dept. Marketing
Full researcher profile
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Areas of expertise

Customer satisfaction, Service Management, Self-service technologies, Mobile Services, Frontline employees, Patient compliance, Customer Experience Management, Strategic marketing, Co-creation

Honors and awards

Best Track Paper Award “Brand Marketing and Communication” at AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference 2010

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Marketing Jan 2010

Overall Best Paper Award at AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference 2010

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Marketing Jan 2010

Best Track Paper Award “Sales, CRM, and Business to Business” at AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference 2011

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Marketing Jan 2011

Marketing Foundation Best Doctoral Dissertation Award 2007 at University of Mannheim

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Marketing Jan 2007

Deans Award for Excellence in Research at EBS Business School

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Marketing Jan 2012

Best Reviewer Award at Global Fashion Management Conference 2015

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Marketing Jan 2015


Appetite for distraction? A systematic literature review on customer smartphone distraction

Alex Taylor, Margurite Hook, Jamie Carlson, Siggi Gudergan, Tomas Falk 2024 International Journal of Information Management

Buying to share

Jan F. Klein, Katrin Merfeld, Mark Philipp Wilhelms, Tomas Falk, Sven Henkel 2022 Journal of Business Research

More of the same? Effects of volume and variety of social media brand engagement behavior

Tobias Schaefers, Tomas Falk, Ashish Kumar, Julia Schamari 2021 Journal of Business Research

How customer knowledge affects exploration

Antti Sihvonen, Jukka Luoma, Tomas Falk 2021 Industrial Marketing Management

Customer journey analyses in digital media

Jan F. Klein, Yuchi Zhang, Tomas Falk, Jaakko Aspara, Xueming Luo 2020 Journal of Service Management

Koronavirusstrategiat-kysely - tulosraportti

Jukka Luoma, Susanna Takkunen, Lauri Saarinen, Nooa Nykänen, Susanna Kervinen, Tomas Falk 2020

What Gets Measured Gets Done : Can Self-Tracking Technologies Enhance Advice Compliance?

Kristina Wittkowski, Jan F. Klein, Tomas Falk, Jeroen J.L. Schepers, Jaakko Aspara, Kai N. Bergner 2020 Journal of Service Research

Relational Price Discounts: Consumers’ Metacognitions and Nonlinear Effects of Initial Discounts on Customer Retention

Maria Del Rio Olivares, Kristina Wittkowski, Jaakko Aspara, Tomas Falk, Pekka Mattila 2018 Journal of Marketing

Big splash, no waves? Cognitive mechanisms driving incumbent firms' responses to low-price market entry strategies

Jukka Luoma, Tomas Falk, Dirk Totzek, Henrikki Tikkanen, Alexander Mrozek 2018 Strategic Management Journal

To earn is not enough: A means-end analysis to uncover peer-providers' participation motives in peer-to-peer carsharing

Mark Philipp Wilhelms, Sven Henkel, Tomas Falk 2017 Technological Forecasting and Social Change