Student Guide

University Wide Studies

Would you like to include multidisciplinary studies in your degree, get to know Aalto’s different disciplines, or work together with students from a range of fields? This page offers a collection of courses that you, as an Aalto student, can take regardless of your background. The selected courses have no prerequisites, and their attendance capacities allow students of different fields to participate. Many of the courses are also part of a minor, providing the opportunity to continue with advance studies.

Introductory courses in Aalto’s different fields

  • Tuotantotalous 1, TU-A1100
  • Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1 CS-A1111
  • Ydinasiaa energiasta 3 op
  • Materiaalitieteen perusteet CHEM-A1410
  • Teollisuuden toimintaympäristö ja prosessit CHEM-A1100
  • Taloustieteen perusteet 31A00110
  • Principles of economics
  • Plant Biomass CHEM-E1100
  • Elokuvan historia 1 ELO-C1040 (1 op)
  • Informaatioteknologian perusteet ELEC-C7110
  • Mechatronics Basics KON-C2004
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 25C00200 period 4 (3 rc)
  • Tuotesuunnittelu KJR-C2005 (2022)
  • Markkinoinnin perusteet 23A00110
  • History of Innovations and Design MUO-C0006 (3 OP)
  • Fashion in Society MUO-C1050 (3 cr)
  • Spatial Structures AXM-E0411 (6 cr) 

Multidisciplinary teamwork courses

  • Sähköpaja (sivuaineopiskelijoille) ELEC-A4910 O
  • Biologisten ilmiöiden lyhyet mittaukset ELEC-D8721
  • Protopaja ELEC-D0301 (esitietosuositus) O
  • Kone- ja rakennustekniikan laboratoriotyöt KON-C3004
  • ENG-projekti
  • ITP Business Project 47C48000
  • Design Meets Biomaterials CHEM-A1610 (3-5 cr)
  • CHEMARTS Project CHEM-E0180 (prereq) (5-10 cr)
  • Product Analysis AAN-C2006
  • Designing an Electronic Device for Business and Production, AAN-C2009
  • ADD Basics - Additive manufacturing: from idea to business, AAN-C2012
  • Product Sustainability, AAN-C2007

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