
When nothing is impossible: technology sector offers a variety of career paths

The message of Aalto Junior’s Women’s Day event was that, in the field of technology, nothing is impossible for women. More than 100 participants from schools in Greater Helsinki had an opportunity to visit, among others, Aalto's space laboratory.
Aalto Juniorin järjestämä naistenpäivän tapahtuma viesti yläkoululaisille tytöille.
The pupils constructed an adenovirus.

‘How many of you know what matrices are’, asked Assistant Professor Pauliina Ilmonen. ‘Soon all of you will know’, she exclaimed enthusiastically when nobody raised their hand. And she really does want to talk about matrices, as, in her own words, she downright loves them. Matrices are used for studying viruses as well as cancer. All her research areas are not yet in application, but who knows what they can be used for in the future.

‘When propositional calculus was developed, scientists didn't know what it could be used for. Now all digital devices are based on propositional calculus’, Pauliina Ilmonen said, presenting herself in an unforgettably enthusiastic manner.

Earlier I didn’t know how many different options the field offers. With strong mathematics and physics skills everything is possible.


You can change the world through technology

‘You should think about what is meaningful to you, and choose your study focus accordingly’, said Piia Simpanen from the Technology Industries of Finland. In general upper secondary school, she was interested in many things. Her enthusiasm for people and problem solving made her apply to the field of technology. 

‘Even in the era of AI, people are needed for creative problem solving’, she stated and encouraged girls in lower secondary school to consider a future career in technology.

I learned today that you can combine different fields at Aalto, and the studies do not only include mathematics, physics and chemistry.


No pressure to perform

‘Technology, curiosity and a desire to learn will take you anywhere’, said, in turn, Marita Niemelä from Neste Engineering Solutions Oy. She advised the listeners to be themselves and forget about excessive self-criticism.

During the day, the lower secondary school pupils visited the Low Temperature Laboratory, space laboratory, electronics workshop and guild rooms. They listened to the female students of technology talk about their views on studying at Aalto, and constructed an adenovirus of straws and pieces of plastic.

Aalto University offers various different elements that you can combine according to your interests.

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