Anshuman has found the practicality of the course content refreshing. He thinks that the Space Instruments course has been the most interesting course. ‘I learned about typical instruments used in spacecrafts, such as magnetometers, and how they're designed and used in typical space missions,’ he says.
Anshuman thinks that the space industry is offering a lot of possibilities in the future. ‘Space is quickly becoming an enticing field for business. There are lots of aerospace startups being founded which deal with launch capabilities, satellite services and inter-planetary missions. There are definitely lots of opportunities now more than ever,’ he says.
What would Anshuman say to someone considering the SpaceMaster programme?
'Choosing your university is always going to be a big decision. There are additional considerations with regard to Finland such as the long, dark winters and the generally reserved nature of the Finnish people. Academically, I would definitely suggest Aalto. The course work may get hectic at times but you will definitely learn. To sum it up, choosing Aalto would never be the wrong choice!' Anshuman says.