
QS Ranking: Aalto places 140th in the world

Aalto is #1 in Finland with regard to relative number of research citations and employer reputation.

Aalto University was ranked 140th among the universities of the world in the QS World University Rankings 2019. In the last four years, Aalto’s ranking has stayed between 130 and 140, and this means Aalto is among the top one per cent of all universities.

The QS evaluates universities according to six metrics. Aalto placed best in Finland in its number of research citations per faculty, employer reputation, proportion of international faculty members and international students. Other indicators used in the ranking are academic reputation, in which Aalto placed second in Finland, and student to faculty ratio, in which Aalto placed fifth.

The number of research citations per faculty has been determined from information in the Scopus database, and it has been calculated relative to the number of research faculty and normalised according to the five different main branches of science.  Employer reputation is based on a reputation survey to which 40 000 employers worldwide submitted responses. Academic reputation is based on assessments given by 80 000 academics.

The QS World Ranking evaluated one thousand universities. According to the QS Ranking there are a total of  26 000 universities worldwide.

QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) is one of the world's most important university rankings. In the recent 'QS top 50 under 50' ranking, QS listed the best young universities in the world. Aalto placed 7th in this ranking.

In addition to the general rankings, QS produces rankings in specific fields of science and regional rankings. These specific rankings are more relevant to Aalto University than the general rankings, as Aalto specialises in technology, business and arts.

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