
Products of the future presented at the PdP Gala

This year the PdP Gala was organised virtually on 21th of May with amazing prototypes from ten different student teams.
PdP Gala poster

In the Product Development Project (PdP) course interdisciplinary student teams solve innovation and product development challenges for the sponsoring companies and organisations. The course is primarily aimed at master students in technology (ENG & SCI), business (BIZ), design (ARTS) and last year Bachelor students in design (ARTS). However, the course is also open for other students from various master’s studies.

All solutions created during the course are demonstrated in the annual PdP Gala. This year the gala was organized virtually on 21th of May in 2021. The Gala included ten different prototypes by the student teams. During the Gala day student teams presented their prototypes at the main stage and also had their virtual project booths, so that the visitors were able to get to know the projects and teams beforehand. Here you can see teasers of the amazing prototypes that were presented in the Gala!


Sponsored by Omnia

In the current overpopulated world, where there are people dying because of not having access to drinkable water, is it fair to waste water when watering your plants?

The answer to that question is clear, and team Aerofarm’s way of contributing to this matter is to bring the aeroponics to everyone.

With the team’s aeroponic garden, cultivating becomes a water efficient activity, that helps protecting the environment, while still getting those awesome vegetables for your next meal.


Sponsored by Isaware

At airports safety is everything.

As the number of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles increases, it’s crucial for airports to identify objects in the sky. The amount of bird strikes has also been on the rise, which shows how important it is to detect objects before it’s too late.

Team AviGuardX has developed innovative solutions to help airports identify objects in the sky.

Brgr Lab

Sponsored by NaughtyBRGR

Everything began with the simple idea that it would be awesome to create robots able to make delicious burgers. It could even provide practical enhancements to the burger making process, such as making it simpler, safer, faster, and perhaps more fun?

BRGRLab’s adventures in food automation involved dividing the requirements into different modules, ensuring proper movement between said modules, and incorporating an electronic interface and overseer of the whole process. It must be noted that an impressive number of possibilities, choices and challenges arose, showing that good things can happen when a diverse, skilled team joins to talk about burgers.


Sponsored by Trenox

Imagine a construction site. There is an autonomous tower crane. How is it possible?

Team Connext has created the new automated crane technology with simple user interface. The crane will be connected to your tablet, so that you can control it from the ground. This new user interface would not require any professional education and can be controlled intuitively with GPS info and a map on a touchscreen. It’s safe and efficient.


Sponsored by Luke

As long as fish traps have been used, they have been simple and unintelligent. Living in the 21st century its about time that the traps are made smart, helping fishermen save both time and fuel.

Team Fishmongers has developed a technology that allows the fishermen to monitor the content of their traps remotely and access this information from the comfort of their home with their smartphone.


Sponsored by KONE

After a long day full of tasks to do and deadlines to catch, getting your essential everyday items delivered should not add anymore compulsory communications and arrangements to your to do list.

Team Five has rethought delivery systems. By ordering items to be delivered using their drones, your packaged will be carried, handled, sorted and kept safely in a dropshop located no further than 5 min walk from your home.

You can get the items whenever you want 24/7, as quick as you need. All contactless and hassle free.

Go With The Flow

Sponsored by Grand Rental

Moving is a common job that everybody must perform multiple times in their life. After each time you will always feel exhaustion.

Now imagine you are moving heavy furniture, like your refrigerator or piano not just once but several times in one week. The heavy weight and poor working ergonomics from lifting and moving this large furniture will exhaust you!

This has lead Team Go With The Flow to create a lifting helper for moving grand pianos. With our device the moving of grand pianos has never been easier!

Harry Spotter

Sponsored by Produal

The modern world requires that we spend most of our time indoors, often in stuffy conference rooms or classrooms. Post COVID-19, this stuffiness is no longer a mere annoyance. Poor ventilation and lower oxygen content can contribute to the spread of disease, as well as decreases in productivity.

Team Harry Spotter has created dynamic adjustments to airflow in confined spaces. Using thermal imaging and depth sensing, The Spotter will keep a live count of people in a room and improve air quality by maintaining adequate ventilation.


Sponsored by Heureka

Think about it! Our brain is responsible for all our thoughts and actions.

Have we ever thought about how it works?

Can we at least partly replicate the beauty of it?

Team Plexus has used an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to design a sculpture that explains ANN to kids by using interactive screens which recognizes handwritten numbers. They expose little learners to an emerging concept like artificial intelligence early on in their lives. After all, it’s never too early to become a scientist!


Sponsored by Safera

Very Finnish Problems: Pipe renovation is coming. Sky-high costs, nuisances, noise and air pollution. On the clean side, the residents get nervous: what if they inhale bad air? On the dirty side, construction workers are drilling, sawing and milling, releasing invisible but carcinogenic fine particles. Due to scarce time and resources, the occupational health checks on construction sites sometimes involve guesstimates. 

The Safera dust sensor stops the guessing. Real-time air quality monitoring for construction sites sends alarms to safety officers or worried residents, storing the historic data on the cloud.

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