Student Guide


Give feedback on the new Student Guide - Take our survey

Take our 15-minute survey by 14 March. The survey is intended for all Student Guide users.
Student guide illustration, front page

All information on Into ( is now on under the name Student Guide. Now, you have an opportunity to give feedback about the new site and influence its development. Take our 15-minute survey by 14 March. The survey is intended for all Student Guide users.

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Into ( is now Student Guide on!

Information and how to use the new Student Guide


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Campus, Studies Published:

Vote for the best idea! How do we spend 14 000 euros on student wellbeing?

In autumn 2024, students were asked to come up with ideas on how the university should spend 14 000 euros to improve student wellbeing on campus. Now it's time to vote for the best idea to be implemented during spring 2025.
Student Guide illustration, news items
Studies Published:

Info session on the N5T Extended Campus Programme in Batteries

The Extended Campus program by the N5T alliance offers Aalto University’s engineering students a new master’s level exchange study opportunity in the field of battery technology in the Nordic countries. To learn more, join our webinar on Wednesday, 6 November 2024 at 13.00-13.45.
Students speaking
Studies Published:

Give feedback on the use of Sisu at Aalto

User feedback on Sisu will be collected through a survey
Ohje oikaisun hakemiseen, syksyn yhteishaku 2020
University Published:

Support for students impacted by the situation in the Middle East

The university supports and helps students in dealing with the crisis