
Find and contact your study support team on MyStudies

Use MyStudies to find and connect with your study support personnel (Success Team). The Success Team comprises a group of experts who are dedicated to assisting you with your studies and can refer you to other specialists, if needed.

You can schedule an appointment with a member of your Success Team if you have concerns or questions related to your studies. If you have been assigned an academic advisor or thesis advisor, you will find them in your MyStudies Success Team.  Additionally, in the Services menu, you can book appointments with specialists in tuition fees and scholarship as well as Aalto exchange study coordinators and guidance counsellors, and at ARTS, also with school-level service staff.

In addition to being an appointment booking tool, MyStudies serves as a digital student portal with links to key student services and websites. The platform will continue to evolve to incorporate more core functionalities and services for students in the future. The next feature to be introduced to MyStudies will be the master's thesis management functionality.

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