
Check out the Aalto University Works K3 site online

Webcam has been installed on the Aalto Works K3 site to follow the real-time situation on the site. During summer 2021, the camera will show eg. the demolition of an old office wing.
K3 building in the summer

Aalto University Works K3 project has started on spring 2021, and during the summer 2021 the project is continuing eg. with the demolition of the old office wing. In Otaniemi, buildings are rarely demolished, so this is a very interesting phase on the site.

Aalto University Works K3 project includes the renovation of Puumiehenkuja 5 and, at a later stage, the dismantling of one wing and the construction of a new building. The construction phase as a whole will take about two years, but the facilities will be completed in stages for users as early as the beginning of 2022. Future users include School of Engineering (ENG), School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC), Design Factory, Startup Sauna and Aalto Ventures Program.

You can find the real-time situation on the site

If you notice a malfunction in the camera, please contact ACRE via the contact form.

Puumiehenkuja 5

Aalto University Works K3 site is starting up

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Illustration aerial image of Aalto Works block, in beige and white, with the new buildings in natural wood colour

Aalto University Works

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Aalto Konekorttelin havainnekuva: Helin & Co Architects / Aalto-yliopisto

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