
Changes in routes in Otaniemi, update 18.9.: Traffic on Puumiehenkuja continues

Route changes are due to construction work by Jokeri Light Rail and infrastructure maintenance work by City of Espoo. Work at some sites has already begun, and work on others starts in September

Unlike the previous release, access to K block (Otakaari 4, Puumiehenkuja 5, Puumiehenkuja 3 and Sähkömiehentie 4), the Nanotalo building, Saha and Konemiehentie 4 will continue to be directed through Puumiehenkuja. Construction work at Puumiehenkuja will continue, access to both motor vehicle and light traffic is maintained. The light traffic access behind Otakaari 8 remains unchanged, a new connection for motor vehicles will not be built.

A new connection has been opened from Maarintie towards the Nanotalo building, to the parking area close to Maarintie.

The beginning of Sähkömiehentie has been closed due to work on the ST1 Deep Heat site, and is scheduled to remained closed to all traffic until early 2020.

The beginning of Konemiehentie, close to the T building, has been completely closed to light traffic and motor vehicle traffic. The work will completed in late Autumn 2019.

Maarintie will be closed to vehicle traffic in phases, so that access to the parking area behind the T building and Maarintie 8 can be kept open from both directions. A light traffic route will be kept open, alternating between the right and left side of the road. Motor vehicle traffic will mainly be diverted to Tekniikantie and Tietotie. According to preliminary plans, construction begins at Maarintie in October.

Areas where roadwork is currently underway will not be closed to traffic entirely, but individual routes (Otakaari, Tietotie) are likely to be closed. Please be prepared for possible traffic congestion and follow the signs carefully. Pedestrians and cyclists should be especially careful.

Tilapäiset liikennejärjestelyt

We will provide further information on traffic arrangements as soon as schedules and work phases are confirmed. Please also follow the updates on and updates concerning Jokeri light rail 

For further information, please contact:
Kari Talvitie, Aalto University Campus & Real Estate [email protected] , p. (0400) 956 089
Aalto University Campus & Real Estate communications, [email protected]

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