
Answer the survey regarding favorite places of Väre

Take part in the survey which maps the favourite places of the Väre building and involves you in examining the object's functionality and comfort in a new way! The survey is intended for Aalto University students and staff - please answer by 13 March
In the photo taken from the Väre building's lobby, people watching an exhibition and walking by

The purpose of the thesis is to collect information about the perceived experiences of Väre. Thesis will answer questions like what kind of study and work environments users find pleasant and restorative, and what importance aesthetic qualities have in this context. The aim of the thesis is to gather experiences from Aalto University's students and staff in a wide range of all faculties. The thesis is conducted by Aalto University master's student Kirsi-Maria Raunio.

The interactive survey was created with Maptionnaire geospatial software and contains both open and alternative questions. It takes about 15-20 minutes to answer the survey. Please, open the survey with the following link:

The survey is open until Monday, March 13, 2023 – every answer is valuable!

More information about the survey:

[email protected]          
+358 41 5499 118

Photo Mikko Raskinen, Aalto University

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