HSE Support Foundation

Approved grants

The HSE Support Foundation issues grants, recognition awards and other support for researchers, teachers, other personnel, and students at Aalto University School of Business. Grants are awarded twice a year.
Aalto-yliopisto Dipoli

The Yrjö Uitto Foundation grants

The Yrjö Uito Foundation awards grants twice a year. The purpose of these grants is to support doctoral studies in economics at the Aalto University and doctoral students, who are working on entrepreneurship related dissertation projects. In addition, it is possible to get a grant for long term entrepreneurship research projects. Grant is also available to get for Aalto University students, whom are working on entrepreneurship related master’s thesis. 

Find the grants awarded by the Yrjö Uito Foundation here (from 2017 onwards).

The HSE Support Foundation sr grants in spring 2021

By decision of the HSE Support Foundation board on April 21, 2021, grants of 379,580 euros were made based on applications submitted by February 28, 2021, to researhers, teachers, employees and students of the Aalto University School of Business.

Grants of 20,000 euros to Master's theses have been made from companie's donor funding. Grants of 1,740 euros were made to language revision of doctoral theses and other research, and recognition awards for quality publications of 42,500 euros were awarded to researchers at Aalto School of Business.

Letters of acceptance have been sent to grant recipients in the spring of 2021, and their names have been added to the list of recipients below. Update is coming soon

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