
Yrjö Neuvo Jubilee Seminar

"Education, research and innovations -- Predicting the unpredictable"


Recorded video material is available at YouTube: video

Seminar booklet is available at: booklet

In Yrjö Neuvo’s career, theory and practice have been intertwined. He has been a lifelong evangelist of the digital revolution. He received his PhD degree from Cornell University in 1974 and had a 19 year academic career as a professor of signal processing at Tampere University of Technology, as a National Research Professor, and as visiting professor at University of California, Santa Barbara. As of today, his most cited paper: “Vector Median Filters” has received 1567 citations.

From 1993 - 2005, he was Chief Technology Officer and member of the Group Executive Board of Nokia, during the phenomenal growth of the mobile phone market. He has led significant national and EU-wide initiatives developing competences and R&D&I.

After retiring from Nokia, Yrjö had a pivotal role in the formation of Aalto University, as a member of the preparation committee established by the Finnish Government. As a Professor and Research Director at Aalto he has led Aalto-wide major research programs.

His own experience of working both in industry and academia triggered his interest to find ways to increase doctors’ employment in the industry. This resulted in starting the Bit Bang Courses and creation of the national PoDoCo program.

Detailed CV of Yrjö Neuvo is available via this link

Please join us in this special seminar covering various topics in digitalization, mobile phone development, multidisciplinary research programs, education, and national and international science policy. The program of the event is given below. The event was held partially in English (14.00-16.40) and partially in Finnish (16.40-17.30). The event was webcasted via Zoom.



Opening of the event

Moderator: Dr. Ella Bingham

Greetings from Aalto University

Ilkka Niemelä, President of Aalto University

Mikko Kosonen, Chair of the Aalto University Foundation Board


Reflections of Nokia development

Jorma Ollila and Matti Alahuhta, former Nokia executives 


How Aalto University was born

Emeritus Professor Matti Pursula


Jubilee lecture "Education, research and innovations -- Predicting the unpredictable"

Professor, Research Director Yrjö Neuvo



Manager of Energy Platform, Samuel Cross


Carbon nanotubes towards industrial applications - results of my MIDE project and how MIDE helped us forward

Professor Esko Kauppinen, Head of Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University


On the development of the digital world / Memories of signal processing research with Yrjö

Professor Moncef Gabbouj, Department of Computing Sciences, Tampere University


On the development of the digital world / Memories of signal processing research with Yrjö

Emeritus Professor Olli Simula


On research and innovation policy at the national and European levels

Professor Marja Makarow, Chair of TAF

16:00-16:10 Break II.

Memories from Bit Bang and how it shaped my personal career

Vincent Kuo, Bit Bang course alumni, startup founder


How studies in signal processing shaped my personal career

Kai Öistämö, CEO Vaisala


PoDoCo concept/ Tohtoreita yrityksiin

Emeritus Professor Outi Krause


Miten Osaamiskeskusohjelma muutti Suomea

Dr. Pirjo Kutinlahti, Ministerial Adviser,  Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment


Henkilökohtaisempia muisteloita / Personal notes

Professor Martti Häikiö


Henkilökohtaisempia muisteloita / Personal notes

Professor Matti Kuusimäki

17:10-17:30 Keskustelua

All times indicated above are Finnish local time (EET).  

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