CO-CARBON: Ossinlampi study site
Part of a collaborative project to study urban green infrastructures, the lawn at Ossinlampi on Aalto's campus is a research site measuring carbon dioxide exchange.
Meet and greet the Creative Sustainability students during Designs for a Cooler Planet.
Come to The Test Site to hear about their collaboration with NPHarvest, Putretti, and biochar research projects in their community garden.
Part of a collaborative project to study urban green infrastructures, the lawn at Ossinlampi on Aalto's campus is a research site measuring carbon dioxide exchange.
NPHarvest is an Aalto project in collaboration with different stakeholders. The focus is on researching nutrient recovery and its technologies from different kind of liquid waste, including reject water, urine, leachate and septic waste.
Putretti® is a new organic NPK-fertilizer produced from local material flows: compost and wood ash. It can be used for forest fertilization, in agriculture, soil improvement or landscaping.
Designs for a Cooler Planet is a five-week-long festival celebrating experiments in planet-friendly materials, fashion, and food.
Better alternatives for food, food systems and packaging.
The Test Site is a student-led network of practical sustainability at Aalto University.
We organize interdisciplinary networking events for Aalto researchers and partners. Contact us if you need more information about the people and activities in Aalto key research areas.