
Public defence in Network Economics, M.Sc.(Tech.) Jaspreet Walia

What will the network slicing ecosystem look like?

M.Sc.(Tech.) Jaspreet Walia will defend the thesis "Techno-economic analysis of 5G network slice provisioning for industry verticals" on 6 October 2022 at 3 p.m. (EET) in Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications and Networking, in lecture hall TU2, Maarintie 8, Espoo.

Opponent: Prof. Jens Zander, KTH, Sweden
Custos: Prof. (emeritus) Heikki Hämmäinen, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications and Networking

Thesis available for public display at:
Doctoral theses in the School of Electrical Engineering:

Public defence announcement:

This thesis studies the technical and business aspects of 5G network slice provisioning for industry verticals. 5G with its service-based approach and network slicing capabilities brings new opportunities and challenges for the stakeholders in the telecom ecosystem. The industry verticals that have previously relied on different dedicated networks can now be provisioned with different network slices over the same physical network infrastructure. While the telecom ecosystem is set to evolve with new services, there still exist uncertainties in terms of value creation and the role of existing and emerging business actors. The development of telecom ecosystem requires a cohesive study of technology and business.

This thesis conducts a techno-economic analysis to study and develop the future of 5G network slice provisioning for serving various use case specific services to industry verticals by studying real cases. Data is collected from university campus and smart factory case studies.

The thesis identifies the trends, uncertainties, and develops future deployment scenarios and value networks for industry stakeholders, which helps them understand their current and future position in the ecosystem. It develops different business models for value creation considering slice customer and slice provider perspectives and also develops different slice management strategies considering the interactions between different business actors over local and wide area network.The thesis develops a novel cost model for the virtualization infrastructure required for network slices and applies the model to a smart factory, accompanied by a sensitivity analysis. The cost model considers different device growth scenarios and compares possible centralized and distributed deployments for the virtualization infrastructures. The cost model can be applied to more use cases and helps further the techno-economic research in the field.

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