
Designs for a Cooler Planet: Main exhibition, Dipoli Gallery

Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibition presents a wide selection of experimental, climate-friendly products and individual choices that you make today.
Nanocellulose bicycle Photo: Eeva Suorlahti
Some of the carbon fiber reinforced plastics could be potentially replaced by nanocellulose, a natural and renewable alternative. Design: Tiina Härkäsalmi, Tuomas Pärnänen & Kim-Niklas Antin Photo: Eeva Suorlahti

In 2030, our global carbon emissions must be reduced by 50% compared with today’s levels. Approximately 72% of COemissions are related to the lifestyle choices of individuals, so we can begin by changing what we eat, how we live and how we move.

The '1.5 Degrees Lifestyles'study was conducted by an international consortium of researchers who examined 30 choices that anyone can make today to reduce emissions. What will your contribution be?

The exhibition presents climate-friendly, experimental products that you might find around your home in the near future, offers environmental options  you can make in your life as an individual and a game that helps you determine the size and specifics of your carbon footprint. What do we imagine our homes to look like in the coming decade if we choose to prioritise items and appliances which are aesthetically appealing, reusable and recyclable, non-toxic and long-lasting? A wide variety of product prototypes for future homes present an idea of what biomaterial research can achieve. Nanocellulose materials are flexible and safe to produce and use, and they could even replace plastic components used in interiors and textiles.

You can also take a look at the stories that capture how young adults experience climate change, produced by three Aalto University, Visual Communication Design students.

Have a visit in today’s future.

Opening hours: Mon-Thu 8-20, Fri 8-18, Sat 10.30-16, Sun closed

Working group: 1.5 Degree Lifestyles research: Michael Lettenmeier, Visual identity: Babi Brasileiro . Exhibition design: Dayong Song, Curator: Enni Äijälä, Communication: Tiina Toivola, (all Aalto University)

Contact: [email protected]

Additional information related to the exhibition

Post doc tutkija Michael Lettenmeier Kuva: Sanna Lehto

What can you do for the climate?

Within the next ten years, Finns need to cut down more than 75% of our carbon footprint. The change is enormous, and will be based on new lifestyles, says Michael Lettenmeier.

Polaris-projekti visualisoi nuorten ilmastoahdistusta

The Polaris study project visualizes climate change anxiety

Finnish Broadcasting Company’s mobile story tries to capture how young adults experience climate change.

Designs for A Cooler Planet

Designs for a Cooler Planet – Helsinki Design Week 2019

During September 2019, Aalto University's exhibition programme for Helsinki Design Week, titled 'Designs for a Cooler Planet' will introduce solutions for more sustainable lifestyles in Otaniemi

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