
Defence of dissertation in the field of real estate economics, Tuulia Puustinen, M.Sc.

Challenges of collective decision-making in infill development on a site of a housing company
Kuvituskuva väitöstapahtumaan, Aalto-kynä ja tutkimuspaperi

Infill development policies are increasingly important in growing metropolitan areas. Despite potential benefits, intensification faces many challenges.

The dissertation explored infill development possibilities on sites owned by housing companies, Finnish version of apartment ownership, from the perspective of factors supporting the collective decision-making process and requirement of the collective decision-making in Helsinki capital region. Three main factors that support infill development were identified: 1) the role of the public sector and its policies, 2) the need to use professional help, and 3) the necessary preconditions for the collective decision-making.

The findings show that at least theoretically, financial benefits owner-occupiers require from infill development are considerable. With the current cost structure and policy instruments, the potential for infill development is limited. In addition, the municipal authorities have an important role in supporting the process. The findings suggest that the perceived disadvantages of infill development are unevenly distributed among the shareholders, especially due to the location of the infill development on the plot and its consequences. There is a need to establish mechanisms to balance the uneven distribution of perceived disadvantages among the shareholders.

The findings further indicate that the collective decision-making process is unestablished and characterized by many informal issues affecting the process through increased risks and information and power imbalance. The practices of the process need to be developed further.

The opponent is Associate Professor, PhD Hazel Easthope from University of New South Wales, Australia.

The custos is professor Kauko Viitanen from the Department of Built Environment, Aalto University. 

Electronic dissertation:

Doctoral candidate’s contact information:
Tuulia Puustinen
Otakaari 4, 02150 Espoo
p. +358505011272
[email protected]

A doctoral dissertation is a public document and shall be available at Aalto University, School of Engineering’s notice board in Otakaari 4, Espoo at the latest 10 days prior to public defence.

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