
Consume consciously

Household consumption accounts for more than 60 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and 50–80 per cent of total land, material and water use.
Designs for a Cooler Planet Consume Consciously

Household consumption accounts for more than 60 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and 50–80 per cent of total land, material and water use. 

Within the next ten years, Finns need to cut more than 70% of their carbon footprint.

To reduce emissions and waste, we need to be educated on the impacts of our choices, change our mindset on consumption, and advocate for more transparent and sustainable production chains.


Note: According to the current coronavirus guidelines, only the Aalto students and personnel can visit the Otaniemi campus exhibitions without pre-booking. From September 7 onwards, we will organise a few small group visits to the exhibitions at Väre and Vuorimiehentie 2. Visits must be booked in advance. Registration links will be updated here in September. For the time being, we’ll organise all events (except Infrastructure walk) as virtual events.

Meet our team in this game

ONLINE: Co-creating the future of food

This exhibition sheds light on what happens behind the scenes of novel food and beverage products, showcasing Finnish entrepreneurs, experiments and collaboration needed for designing new innovative solutions.

The food we produce, purchase and consume has far-reaching consequences for our society and planet.

Solving the systemic challenges in textile and fashion industry

We need systemic and fundamental changes in the textile and fashion industry’s business model, including a deceleration of manufacturing and the introduction of sustainable practices throughout the supply chain; decreasing clothing purchases and increasing garment lifetimes.

We need systemic and fundamental changes in the textile and fashion industry’s business model.

ONLINE: Fashionable sustainability? workshop

An interactive workshop that aims to structure the multifaceted sustainability concept, especially in the fashion and textile industry.

Fabrics dyed with natural colours by Essi Karell. Photo: Eeva Suorlahti

AALTO FASHION 20 – Thoughts and Views on Sustainable Fashion

Picks from fashion bachelor's and master's collections from the perspective of sustainable fashion.

Fashion design: Henna Lampinen Photo: Nicca Sinervo

Ecological traveling by train

Travelling by train is a far more ecological way to travel than flying, but its image could use a facelift.

Train Brag by Anni Tolvanen, Iina Silventoinen and Akseli Manner

ONLINE: SUSLA – Your guide to a sustainable lifestyle

Susla is a detailed footprint calculator that provides both carbon and material footprints across five domains: housing, mobility, leisure, food and goods.

Susla is a detailed footprint calculator that provides both carbon and material footprints across five domains: housing, mobility, leisure, food and goods.

ONLINE: CreaTures Panel: Discussing the power of creative practices for reshaping the future

Creative arts and design practices have already demonstrated transformational potential in the area of social cohesion and environmental citizenship. However, they are often fragmented, poorly resourced and badly understood.  

CreaTures Logo

Online Talk: Creative Practices for Transformational Futures

In September Aalto University and Design Museum's business network Design Club offers two online talks with top speakers from academia and business. Registration is now open!

Tuuli Mattelmäki & Zeynep Falay von Flittner
Designs for a Cooler Planet Consume Consciously

To make necessary changes, we need intelligent and well-designed solutions.

Donate to Aalto University and support us in achieving our goal of shaping a sustainable future.

Designs for a Cooler Planet

The event is a part of Helsinki Design Week’s official festival programme, the largest design festival in the Nordics takes place 3–13.9.2020. Designs for a Cooler Planet is also one of the EU's Green Week 2020 partner events.

Farewell to fossil fuels

More than half of our energy still comes from fossil fuels. No single technology can replace our reliance on them.

Designs for a Cooler Planet Farewell to fossil fuels

Close the loops

Making things and manufacturing processes produce pollution and environmental degradation, draining natural resources.

Designs for a Cooler Planet Close the Loops

Hack our habitat

Aggressive urbanisation is straining our ecosystem. Rising construction volume causes massive demand for energy-intensive construction materials, and construction already accounts for 39 per cent of the global CO2 emissions.

Designs for a Cooler Planet Hack our Habitat

Consume consciously

Household consumption accounts for more than 60 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and 50–80 per cent of total land, material and water use.

Designs for a Cooler Planet Consume Consciously

Please notice that exhibitions are in four different locations at the Otaniemi campus area which all have different opening hours. Please check specific details from the exhibition pages. We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely, and the event will follow all of the rules and regulations set by the Finnish authorities. The safety of the employees, students and visitors is always prioritised.

Graphic design: Olga Elliot & Milja Komulainen

Designs for a Cooler Planet — Helsinki Design Week 2020
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