Events Library

Events Library

This site provides guidelines and assets for planning and managing events at Aalto University. Events Library shares standards and processes for events organisers throughout the entire Aalto community.

At Aalto University, an event is a important tool for communication and collaboration representing a diverse community and creating a unique experience. With over 700 events annually, it is crucial that the various events at the university are organised according to common standards. These standards help us create events that are functional and influential and in line with Aalto University’s strategy, values and sustainability guidelines.

The production and management of events always requires tasks to be solved creatively and flexibly. The guidelines and checklists provided in the Events Library will help you navigate through the event management process in order to plan and execute high quality events.

Round picture with illustration of several people interacting

How to execute a successful event

A rectangle with a blush background from left to right shapes white circle, square and triangle with arrows inbetween. They sum up in a sextant which is in red.


Start the event management process by planning format, resources, schedule and early-stage actions.

Events Library
Bluch rectangle with an illustration of a white checklist and pink pencil


This phase includes venue reservation, programme planning, content resourcing, technical management, catering and security.

Events Library
Bluch rectangle with an illustration of a pink megaphone


Event communications & marketing helps you target the right audience with compelling content at the right time.

Events Library
Blush rectangle with an illustration of a name badge with a lanyard


Create a comprehensive invitation and registration timeline including planning, CRM implementation, invitations, registration and confirmation.

Events Library
Blush rectangle with an illustration of red and white fiteworks and stars


On the day of the event, follow the event production timeline; every step of the event implementation, from set up to dismantling.

Events Library
Blush rectangle with one red speech blubble with a cog and one white speech bubble with thumbs-up


Continue to operate immediately after the event. Create continuity and credibility by completing post-event tasks.

Events Library

Assets, tools & templates

Light blue rectangle from left to right, blue paper with check boxes, white paper with picture box and text lines, blue paper reading lorem ipsum, text lines and rsvp


Event management and meeting design templates for download.

Events Library
Light blue rectangle with crossed hammer and wrench in blue


Tools and assets for event and meeting production

Events Library
Light blue rectangle with i thought bubble with a lit light bulb

Ask for consultation

Any issue big or small, ask for in-house assistance when planning and realising an event.

Events Library

The Events Library is under development.
You are welcome to share your comments and feedback regarding the Events Library.

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